Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( In contrast most European authorities — including the UK — insist on lead management occurring in their own market . )
2 He was an ex-barrister , a very live wire , who could justly claim to be the founder of the present vastly expanded business .
3 The rich tend to buy the services of doctors and the poor purchase mostly unprescribed medicines from pharmacists .
4 There are large variations in the inter- and intra-national rates for this operation , which can not be explained adequately by differences in morbidity , and there is at present little professional consensus on the appropriate indications for hysterectomy .
5 On the DEC PDP-10 computer most fixed point binary and logical operations ( such as And and Add ) have four modes , as shown in Figure 3.7 .
6 It is perhaps not surprising that choreographers use the classical style fur most abstract ballets .
7 The Cobham model is significant to church planters in that some of those involved in leadership believe they have already gone through certain different models for church planting before reaching their present most favoured version .
8 The lack of a corresponding vibrant philosophical base fro residential care has impoverished it .
9 Blumlein 's revolutionary technique vastly improved quality and simplified production , and was adopted internationally .
10 He shouts ‘ Beats International ! ’ with the kind of enthusiasm most sane people save for a winning goal or a multiple birth , and then he breaks into rhyme .
11 But there was a silver lining to the cloud — those first natural contacts with the West paradoxically inspired groups to search out their own roots and national identification .
12 Bog , grassland , and heathland expanded around Loch Lang in the later post-glacial to form the present predominantly treeless landscape of S. Uist .
13 I 'll obviously re-inburse the postage etc. any takers Mark , Mark , Gavin etc etc
14 ‘ I 'm not that jet-lagged right this minute , ’ said Donna .
16 Mighty Mogul eventually justified odds of 100-30 on , coming home six lengths clear from Ambuscade in a race that took over 12 minutes to complete , almost eight minutes longer than the standard time .
17 In summary , Owen and Roger present fundamentally different approaches to the similar situation in which they find themselves .
18 This was never more humiliating than in the category Most Fanciable Male .
19 In the West most eighteenth-century campaigns were fought in densely populated and wealthy areas .
20 erm there 's no doubt that our society , whatever kind of sentimental things it says about the status of the housewife , gives the housewife extremely low status , and that power and status and respect in society are accorded to people who achieve things in the work world occupationally outside the home , and given that that is so I think women , to increase their self respect , have got to achieve things outside the home , yes .
21 ‘ We are ’ he said later , ‘ in danger of building so many mills and factories on the river 's bank … that the stream will be all used up and its bed dry . ’
22 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
23 He placed it in her arms and she clutched it to her bosom , with her handbag , the toe of her right foot gingerly touching ground .
24 higher than the grant alone two years ago .
25 Text only Such databases have established structural and indexing conventions .
26 Five double stranded DNA fragments with four base long 5'-protruding ends were designed in which the GGGCCC and the AAAAA motifs were separated by varying number of nucleotides ( Fig. 5 ) .
27 Ironically Pegasus have done them a favour by winning the European ‘ B ’ Division only last month , and as a result Portadown will now play the cream of Europe next season in the ‘ A ’ Division .
28 Sgr A West contains 60 M and ; of ionized gas and may be associated with atomic gas having a mass perhaps five times greater .
29 John Hay , seeing Johnson 's fear , talked to him all the time as to a child , trying to keep him cheerful , but this measure only excited Boswell 's scorn , especially when he heard Hay trying to distract Johnson with the antics of the local goats .
30 Well getting a better , a little bit better each day .
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