Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] know [art] " in BNC.

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1 After 24 hours of freedom I knew no one was going to lock me up again
2 Of course I knew the path led to the Camus na Dobhrain , and the lawyers had told me that the cottage was let to a girl , so I wondered why he was headed there .
3 Of course I know the vast majority — especially the New People — do n't care a damn about any of the arts .
4 No doubt Mr Furbank thought this unnecessary ; yet if he assumes a readership which knows the general background , why does he need to devote a page to the nature and status of the parlement of Paris ?
5 They came the Friday night to go for the midnight mail you know the one that comes to meet the boat .
6 The weight you know the storage locations .
7 I have it on good authority from a cousin in Stockport , who has a drinking buddy who knows the car park attendant at Altrincham , that my name has already been linked with a managerial post at both Rotherham and Manchester United .
8 Now it has to be a software engineer who rocks , an operations chief who scuba dives or the bank president who knows a Scandinavian folk song when he hears one .
9 So on the rare occasions they did report themselves in a State of Readiness they knew an Agile Blade was likely .
10 In the back of his mind he knew the air in the Base was getting staler as the crisis progressed , but he could n't afford to worry about that now .
11 As a wee boy I knew the jargon of the Ayrshire pits , names and terms incomprehensible to the uninitiated .
12 on and on and on and on and on as a border , now she thinks that 's about the washing machine ad you know the Ariston washing ad , on and on .
13 ( 102 ) Fortunately a gentleman was on the engine who knew the lad to be deaf …
14 For a second she knew an intense longing to flee — to get a million miles away from this place and everyone in it .
15 That 's rather like having a King Lear spiritually emoting with an insight which may transcend any previous realisation , whilst unfortunately playing havoc with the syntax , changing and/or forgetting words , and mumbling so that certain words inaudible to the unaware onlooker can be understood only by the expert who knows the text !
16 ‘ After you have run a machine you know the best way and we showed them quite a few things .
17 A projection you know a warehouse order erm stock and order situation , if you 've got a and they 've got people by source number , they can see how much is being used by you .
18 Hard core you know the score it 's so dodgy behind my house
19 they know the play , they know the er act they know the whole thing
20 As a boy he knew the names of the players in all the Welsh teams , the local teams , the world-beating teams .
21 She might have been daft in some ways , but she knew what was in and what was out , did Mary M. She knew the right clubs to go to .
22 As to the type of employment the interesting feature that I experienced over the last two to three years as shown is that the inquiry level the type of inquiries has tended to focus on manufacturing and the attraction has been the quality of the work force , that is both in skill and its healthiness you know the liability and there are other issues in there too about where Britain is at these days in terms of immunisation wage levels , but it is the people that are themselves the major attractors so the potential work force in the locality that is the major attractor .
23 As a photographer you know the tricks , the exposures , the way to use light .
24 Just I was just gon na ask you really to maybe just a change you know the difference between day and know , maybe you can see quite a difference just er
25 Now er over the last few days we 've been er talking quite a lot about er that statue you know the one that 's down by er down by Marks and Spencers that 's the best way to describe where it is the leaf stand the er the one that looks like a tulip and water dribbles down the side of it .
26 When he arrived at Glasgow , there would be a car to pick him up , with a driver who knew the Scottish lowlands ‘ like the inside of his sporran ’ .
27 Of course she knew the eyes had already assessed , swiftly categorising her purely on this evening 's evidence : a silly , empty-headed girl who did n't know any better .
28 And er but of course that did n't last long because of course you know the story of the Jolly George , when that really stopped England 's intervention , did n't it .
29 When you run out of money you know the one who 's got the most when you run out of money
30 Erm you know people know the answers questions or they 've got an idea material of your own experience you know a lot more than they do , but it 's good technique to throw it back to the group .
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