Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 the thing , the thing that erm worries me is in case I go over is , that you say
2 That was very interesting and I thought a good write up of and the things that he did , there to survive the World War Two and of course I go back to when the crews were formed and we flew together training at Pyo Texas and at er Dallasburgh , Tennessee and then from there went overseas , we went to er Scotville , Illinois and picked up new planes in Petermover and it was , we went to Stagen area .
3 That 's in the oh a lot of people did , oh yes , lot of people spent the money but I was one of the fortunate ones I had a little bit left because I mean I was , er I was very lucky myself , I mean I had a decent job at that time from time I left school and when I was on the dredging plant , I mean you take er in nineteen twenty five when er a schoolboy left school , his money was about ten shillings a week as an errand boy but I was one of the fortunate being a cabin boy on the dredger , I was getting thirty five shillings a week which was a lot of money and then after a few months they , I , they wanted another deck hand , so of course I went on there on four pound a week and then I was well off .
4 And er and then er of course I went back to me mother after me grandmother died , I went to me mother and er mind you when I was th young there was a lot of poverty about you know there was er no security pay and no er and you could n't get any money from anywhere or anything like that you know and er so it used to er had to do the best you can .
5 One afternoon I went out with another girl for a walk , with the idea of finding a quiet spot in the meadow we called the Big Field , to read and write letters .
6 One afternoon I went out riding .
7 Cross-examined by his solicitor , Nigel Bruce , Middleton said : ‘ I am shaking in case someone goes back to Newcastle and says something .
8 For the most part I go out to have a good time , and hopefully communicate that to the audience
9 That was an experience I went through for many months , not saying anything .
10 At the height of the gale I go down to the pier to see how our local boats are doing , but all the anchors appear to be holding firm .
11 After tea I went out and saw Ryan .
12 The dog refused to budge , so , instructing the two older girls to hold tight to the younger , I heaved up the 196lb of stubborn fur and staggered to the railing I went down to extricate my struggling son and carried him upwards followed by shrieking pleas of , ‘ Daddy , do n't leave us ’ and ‘ I want a carry ’ , from the frantic tadpole in charge of two red-faced little girls who were now starting to show signs of stain and filling tear-ducts .
13 Thank you , the in after the interview I went back to Chelmsford where is the headquarters of the Essex Police Force and had to do a course for two weeks .
14 My last weekend with the car I went over to the Island of Luing , leaving the car ( foot ferry only on Sundays ) at Cuan Ferry .
15 Although I was upset by the old lady 's words , I followed her advice , and in the weeks before the wedding I went on teaching Adèle as usual .
16 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
17 Two thousand mourners have attended the funeral of two young sisters from Middlesbrough who were knocked down by a car which went out of control .
18 Thieves have stolen toys from the graves of four young people killed by a car which went out of control and crashed into them .
19 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
20 Insecticides used for control are designed to have a residual action which goes on killing cockroaches several months after the initial application .
21 SUNDERLAND caretaker boss Malcolm Crosby was full of praise for his reserve side who went down to a single goal defeat to star-studded Manchester United Reserve side at Roker Park on Wednesday evening .
22 ‘ No good you going on pressing the lever when there 's no pink , is there ?
23 I also have a girlfriend who went out for several years with a man who did n't wear underpants at all and only washed his jeans once a month .
24 The competition was started five years ago by Shildon Town Council , supported by Durham County Council and Northern Arts , to honour the memory of Sid Chaplin , the pitman who went on to become one of the North-East 's most respected authors and playwrights .
25 The competition was started five years ago by Shildon Town Council , supported by Durham County Council and Northern Arts , to honour the memory of Sid Chaplin , the pitman who went on to become one of the North-East 's most respected authors and playwrights .
26 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
27 His book Chemical Method was translated in 1855 by William Odling , a prominent figure at the Royal Institution who went on to become Professor of Chemistry at Oxford in the 1870s , as courses in science there became important .
28 ‘ In France they have a Minister For Rock who goes round and investigates the need for venues and rehearsal space , ’ says Salli .
29 After tea we went out to play .
30 Extra police are on duty in Blackbird Leys as crime there goes up .
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