Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] have first " in BNC.

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1 It was the culmination of that mystique of rule which had first flowered in the Punjab under John and Henry Lawrence fifty years before , and whose objective basis in reality was now almost universally taken for granted .
2 This was no longer the wily old ecclesiastical politician from the metropole who had first closed down Martinho 's seminary news-letter and then later , seeing which way the wind blew , had made an unholy , if tacit , alliance with Caesar in the shape of Osvaldo .
3 Laura believed everything in the home should contribute to a pervading sense of calm and peacefulness ; the same calm and peacefulness she had first discovered at her aunt and uncle 's home in suburban Wallington .
4 Before he left for his six weeks stay in Swindon that spring he had first called her ‘ sweet ’ , she recalled four months later , ‘ in the little passage , near the willows , near the farm ’ on Wandsworth Common .
5 The Tess he had first loved had separated her body from her soul .
6 He was reminded of something he had read somewhere : that it was seldom wise to return to any former haunt hoping to recapture the same pleasure it had first given , because it was sure to be different and disappointing .
7 With the glasses he seemed to put on another nature — his stern , cool attitude she had first noted , and felt unthreatened by .
8 It was the gratitude of the star on This is Your Life thanking the village schoolmaster who had first taken him to the theatre .
9 Her name was Paulette , but the Prince called all such girls Charlotte , after the English Princess who had first agreed to marry him , then inexplicably broken off the engagement .
10 After graduating from Sandhurst Military College with the coveted Sword of Honour he had first seen active duty in Korea where he suffered a serious leg injury while attempting to rescue a wounded colleague .
11 But oh , he had set her heart to racing the instant she 'd first seen him .
12 In our scope of registration I 'd first of all we show the accounts department as part of the company .
13 Charity had felt something tug at her heart the moment she had first seen this cove .
14 Marguerite pulled herself together and led the way back into the room they had first entered .
15 He had changed his parson 's clothes and now looked just like the young gentleman she had first met at Trantridge .
16 Every weekday morning just before 10 o'clock I would visit the Chief of Police , John Fyvie , a tall dour and somewhat lugubrious ex-CPR policeman who had first served as a ‘ bobbie ’ in his home town of Aberdeen , Scotland .
17 ‘ I have a question , ’ whispered the penguin , feeling as small as the day she 'd first slid into the waves .
18 Somehow she doubted whether sharing with Sandra the fact that she already did regret the day she 'd first laid eyes on Matthew would be helpful to anyone .
19 It was raining when Patrick Montgomery Lundy , followed by Jane Bradley , stepped onto Irish soil , and he suddenly remembered his mother telling him that it had been raining on the day she had first come to Ireland , in the May of 1898 .
20 For she had been wearing this dress the night she had first glimpsed the truth about her sister , a truth that was as unpalatable now as it had been then .
21 Both of them are ‘ such knowledge of effects or appearances , as we acquire by true ratiocination from the knowledge we have first of their causes or generations : And again , of such causes or generations as may be from knowing first their effects . ’
22 In the block we start running from just in front of the ladder , but on the night we 've first of all got to run from the block to the wire , which is twenty yards away in the nearest place and then put the ladder up .
23 He now knew less about her than the day they had first met in the post office , standing beside one another on the scrubbed hollow boards , waiting for the evening mail van to come .
24 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
25 The thing was hunched , but even so , Cardiff could see that it was at least nine feet tall and somehow impossibly larger than the burnt corpse he had first seen behind the wheel of that car .
26 He had , she decided , recognised that her business did not represent the handicap he had first imagined and abandoned his quest .
27 There were alarming stories from a French colleague who had first been made to pay an exorbitant " import duty " for bringing his film stock into the country — and then , on his eventual departure , three times as much again for " export duty " because , it was argued , exposed film was clearly much more valuable than virgin film .
28 And he was no longer armed — he had hurled the Walther taken from Steve into the sea at Walberswick , followed by the magazine he 'd first extracted .
29 Sharpe was loading fast , going through the drill he had first learned twenty-two years before .
30 The June 1987 general election resulted in the return of Paias Wingti 's coalition government which had first come to office in November 1985 following a vote of no confidence in the government of Michael Somare .
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