Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And when I last looked at it , one question on behaviour modification had managed to creep on there as well but I ca n't remember what the question is , so you 'd better pay attention for the whole of the rest of this lecture in case I in case I remember it .
2 You 've got items to be discussed , and then you 've got an ability on the right-hand side them to resequence them .
3 Though most developed countries deplore such practices , most either practice them from time to time — as Britain did in its arms dealing with Saudi Arabia — or else turn a blind eye when it suits them .
4 Accidental Damage is self explanatory and limited by exclusion of damage due to breakdown , explosion or collapse which in effect excludes damage from any inherent defect in the plant .
5 Particular religions are true in so far as they succeed in expressing the primordial form of religion which in turn is comprehended only in the depths of particular religions .
6 Another example is from region rail which is a totally independent system but over the years the five local authorities have ploughed millions of pounds of investment into improving a system , the stations the track and the rolling stock which in accordance with the Rail Bill will be put out of franchise next year but will anyone have to buy it ?
7 Community investment which without modesty , er , I can say is a phrase coined by I B M , is seen to be of strategic importance to many leading companies .
8 ‘ In a dependent society the media demonstrate the imperialist system 's concept of change — a conception which in fact ends up being the denial of change . ’
9 More research will be needed into the problem which causes a progressive degeneration of the elephant 's trunk which in turn means problems with feeding and drinking .
10 The doctor was called and the defendant provided a specimen of blood which on analysis proved to contain a proportion of alcohol substantially exceeding the statutory limit .
11 Nettle — said to cleanse the blood which in turn means healthier hair and skin ; when brewed , makes a good anti-dandruff rinse .
12 Toning up the heart and lungs leads to a more effective supply of oxygen to the blood which in turn is supplied more quickly to the muscles , enabling us to stave off exhaustion .
13 A short walk from Brand , or a local bus ride , will take you to the cable car which in turn takes you to the Lunarsee , a beautiful crystal clear mountain lake .
14 Under the 1978 electoral law the people of each of the 40 traditional tribal communities ( Tinkhundla ) elect two members of an electoral college which in turn elects 40 members of the Assembly and 10 senators , with the King appointing the remainder .
15 Together they comprise a course programme which in range and choice is amongst the best in the United Kingdom .
16 He promised an end to serfdom , reform of landholdings and an extension of the suffrage , a programme which in turn alienated an important part of the Magyar gentry and rendered them much more favourably disposed to suspending national demands in favour of outside intervention to protect existing social relationships .
17 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ is the popular name for the African Mathematics Programme which in turn is part of the African Education Programme ( AEP ) of the American Education Development Center ( EDC ) formerly Educational Services Incorporated .
18 Reportedly the division has amassed a wealth of productivity tools from independent software vendors in support of the programme which in turn supports IBM mainframes , AS/400s , VAXes , Sparcs , PCs and perhaps eventually Macs .
19 In relation to stress , regular exercise increases the circulation which in turn increases oxygen levels in the blood and activates the hormonal system ( the endocrine glands ) .
20 They are designed to stimulate the circulation which in turn helps to eliminate the toxins and fatty particles .
21 It also greatly improved blood circulation which in turn helps to induce peaceful , deep , relaxing sleep .
22 In a summary of research conducted in genuinely dangerous environments ( e.g. parachute jumps , war , deep sea diving ) , Baddeley ( 1972 ) concludes : ‘ A dangerous situation will tend to increase level of arousal which in turn will focus the subject 's attention more narrowly on those aspects of the situation he considers most important .
23 The guest sitting room opens onto a terrace which in turn leads out into the garden and a romantic avenue of apple trees .
24 From half an hour after training , to as long as twenty-four hours afterwards , it was possible to detect an increase in protein synthesis in the brain regions containing IMHV — a result which of course squared with the known amnestic effects of the inhibitors of protein synthesis .
25 The overall result has been the successful promotion of a positive attitude in relation to bicycle use in general , a result which in space and time has impacts beyond the immediate locality of the routes .
26 These include basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) which binds to heparan sulphate proteoglycan and can be released by the activity of plasmin which in turn may be activated by matrix bound tissue plasminogen activator ( tPA ) .
27 A potential mechanism by which hepatocytes may regulate metalloproteinase activity is by cleavage of tPA ( see above ) to activate plasmin which in turn activates latent pro-metalloproteinases secreted by lipocytes and Kupffer cells .
28 Mrs Heron was murdered in cold blood in a crime which to date has appeared to have no motive .
29 The lump sum is invested to buy an increasing or unit-linked annuity which in turn is used to pay the fees .
30 Their presence is explained in an appeal of 1548 to retain both churches : ‘ The town of Henley is severed from the Parish Church with a brook which in winter so riseth that none may pass over it without danger of perishing . ’
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