Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cast and crew were situated in the picturesque summer tourist trap of St Ives where they virtually took over the comfortable olde-worlde Tregenna Castle Hotel , while Peckinpah rented a small cottage for himself on the moor .
2 ( d ) Pensions and insurances Now that payments for goodwill to outgoing partners are fast disappearing , partners must address themselves to the question of making financial provision for themselves in retirement and their families in the event of their death .
3 At the same time the play leaves a key question tantalisingly unresolved : whether , in a repressive state , one can seek freedom for oneself without seeking it for others .
4 The pity of it was that she had n't made a bigger part for herself in the night 's scenario ; she was getting polite nods and hellos from people that she already knew slightly , and curious glances from most of the others .
5 When he built a bungalow for himself at Kinmel Bay in 1971 it was the start of a house-building career which was to lead to the receiving of important awards at national ceremonies in top London hotels .
6 He had carved out a small apartment for himself in one of the wings , kept on the remnants of an elderly staff of servants , and left the rest of the place as it was .
7 He knew that he would be rash to expect everyone to obey him all the time ; he had secured the Moghul throne for himself by the skill with which he had played off his brothers against one another , and he distrusted most of the people around him .
8 Kenrick Wynne-Jones was altogether less turbulent He understood the art of getting along with politicians , and found a power base for himself through friendship with the Labour leaders of the day from the North , such as Ted short and Lord Glenamara .
9 De Gaulle engineered a majority for himself on the CFLN and promptly objected to Giraud 's claim to combine the functions of Commander-in-Chief with the co-presidency .
10 Before 1234 he had supervised the construction of a model dwelling-place for himself within the cathedral close , the profits from whose sale he later put towards Salisbury 's fabric fund .
11 Nice and easy for those of you just beginning to try your hand at intarsia and it 's not too difficult to work out the chart for yourself with the many aids available .
12 One consequence in industrial terms was the greater bargaining power of professional and white-collar groups , especially focusing on their trade unions as during the ‘ winter of discontent ’ , able to use their bargaining muscle to claim a growing share of the national income for themselves without much compensation in manufacturing or investment .
13 Conductors could make some money for themselves by selling lists of well-known passengers on their trains to representatives of the Associated Press .
14 The fact that he also made a little money for himself in the process was considered only reasonable by the majority of fans .
15 He would , for instance , secretly buy 30,000 of a stock for himself on the account .
16 Cohen-Solal 's identification of three strategies , expertise , orthodoxy and prestige , enabling these three prominent communists to carve out a particular niche for themselves within the party structure , can not be faulted .
17 In arable districts most usable lad must already have been taken up , and with the commons jealously guarded by farmers to whom they were essential for keeping the animals on which cultivation depended , the landless man stood a better chance of carving a niche for himself by drifting to a less-developed , mainly pastoral terrain .
18 John soon made a niche for himself in Palace 's defence , making his debut at home to Bristol Rovers ( 1–0 ) the day after his signature had been obtained , and scoring his first goal for us in the 8–2 FA Cup demolition of Harwich and Parkstone three weeks later .
19 Last year Dillons got John Mortimer on a holiday weekend , which was not good timing , but it has since made a niche for itself with local books .
20 10-year old Danish company SuperUsers , which has its headquarters in a 16th century castle overlooking the sea North of Copenhagen , is carving out a niche for itself as a Unix ‘ knowledge house ’ for Scandinavian and European countries .
21 While Raima 's database — now called the Raima Data Manager , but previously known as Db-Vista — is one of the least widely publicised of PC and Unix databases , it has carved out a niche for itself amongst C programmers .
22 Under this system of economic production , even though a merchant class was able to find a niche for itself by providing loans and commodities for kings , princes and noble landowners , this class was largely excluded from control over the state , which was dominated by increasingly absolutist kings and their royal entourage of lords and nobles .
23 There were of course exceptions such as Mrs Cellier , mid-wife and women 's champion who against all the odds managed to carve a niche for herself as a nurse , to hold her own whilst on trial at the Old Bailey , calmly storing in her pocket stones thrown at her whilst in the stocks and attempted to found a college of therapeutic midwifery .
24 Take your mind off yourself by keeping busy .
25 Norway 's prospects of joining the EC might be harmed by its decision , if the EC were successful in demanding a seat for itself on the IWC .
26 When we were in our twenties , we thought that life was full enough just thinking about ourselves in those long periods of freedom that the twenties offered , without having to fill them up with anything else .
27 Robson is , however , unlikely to start the game as both sides aim to put some daylight between themselves at the top of the table .
28 Marlowe refuses to recognise the fact making a living for oneself in the countryside involves strenuous work and long hours of toil in order to reap the rewards afterwards .
29 Butler sometimes talks of a passion as directed at one 's ‘ having ’ its object , but it seems more satisfactory to say that particular passions are directed at occurrences , and that the basic one can not be directed ; t the occurrence of pleasure for oneself since this always stems from having something occur one wished to do so .
30 The moment the top stars of track and field stop thinking of themselves as entertainers , then the sport is dead .
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