Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I love Harvey , ’ and little noises came out of the sphere of hair as if a canary was eating a hearty meal of seeds .
2 You fitted into my heart as if a space had always been there waiting . ’
3 In deep thought , there appears a change as if a soft wind blows through the mystic lands .
4 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
5 As discussed above , a more robust recognition system may result from allowing multiple interpretations of a segment , and letting lexical access make the final decision about whether a segment is or , for example , in the context of or , since neither gis , nor kif are valid lexical sequences .
6 For example , if there was some slight uncertainty about whether an input segment was as legion or as in lesion the ambiguity at the lexical level would not be enough to resolve the ambiguity at the phoneme level .
7 There is still no sign of a buyer for the main consultancy business , Hay , and uncertainty over whether an agreement is imminent on Gartner Group .
8 What needs to be explored with the students is the effect of uncertainty on whether an asset should be included or not .
9 Hermit crabs are able to make a rapid assessment of whether a particular shell is of an appropriate size or not , and how they do this has been the subject of much study .
10 The assessment of whether an odour problem amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 is a most difficult decision and then to justify that decision before a court equally so .
11 And until there is evidence to prove any of these claims it is best to try to make your own judgement of whether a method works or does not work with your learners .
12 The response results I have outlined indicate that this variation can extend even to the decision of whether a particular passage or set of words is assigned to the SF genre or not .
13 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
14 Nor does he feel compelled to decide later cases " by analogy " to earlier ones , at least when there is room for disagreement about whether a later case is really like or unlike them .
15 ‘ You have been entrusted into your own keeping as if an orphan had been committed to your trust .
16 The test of whether a surface needs disinfection can be made by applying the definition to a working situation .
17 One source of this difficulty is the absence of a duality theory , which means that there is no simple test of whether a feasible solution is optimal .
18 the test of whether a plaintiff had acted reasonably in bringing a case late was an objective one not subjective .
19 Exclusive possession as a concept for identifying tenancies does not drive a coach and horses through the Rent Acts but rather puts the cart before the horse : a phrase used to describe the collective rights of the tenant is inappropriate as a test of whether a tenancy has in fact been created .
20 The better view ( both for the logic of the law and for press freedom ) is that the expression of opinion may still be defended as " fair comment " if it can be shown to satisfy the test of whether a hypothetical fair-minded man could honestly express the opinion on the proven facts .
21 But me only objective test of whether an organism has tree will is whether its behavior can be predicted .
22 The determination of whether a capital instrument represents a liability is based on whether it contains an obligation for the issuer to transfer economic benefits ( paragraph 21 ) .
23 The determination of whether a fabric is grain- or mud-supported otherwise takes considerable experience to determine from thin sections , which are essentially two-dimensional .
24 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
25 But it was confined to the specific issue of whether a duty of care existed — to establish liability , a plaintiff must also prove breach of duty , and loss caused by that breach .
26 But — quite apart from the issue of whether a woman like myself can in any meaningful way identify herself with women in the remote past — one must ask how could this be useful theologically ?
27 There is the issue of whether a household 's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives .
28 None of those factors , er I hope we can agree , have any relevance at all do they to the issue of whether a site performs one of the five greenbelt functions ?
29 The issue of whether a church represents a significant body of opinion is a matter for the decision of the licensing board .
30 R C Sneddon ( Points of View , today ) damns our campaign with faint praise ; on the one hand he says we ‘ secured an impressive victory ’ ; on the other hand he asks whether we have diverted attention from the wider issue of whether a balanced structure for the army has been achieved .
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