Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once the form is received the Employee Relations Officer in consultation with the Assistant Director — Human Resources will make a judgement about whether the circumstances outlined in the report require to be investigated in an appropriately confidential manager .
2 Deciding whether to release a prisoner on parole , for example , needs a judgement about whether the prisoner is likely to commit another offence .
3 Jack chucked her her helmet , stowed the emergency gear and fired up his bike , and in seconds she was clinging on behind him as the sirens wailed and they took off through the car park as if the hounds of hell were after them .
4 ‘ I love Harvey , ’ and little noises came out of the sphere of hair as if a canary was eating a hearty meal of seeds .
5 You fitted into my heart as if a space had always been there waiting . ’
6 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
7 In deep thought , there appears a change as if a soft wind blows through the mystic lands .
8 But lying there beside her , listening to the susurration of the tide and looking up at the sky through a haze of grasses he was filled , not with post-coital sadness , but with an agreeable languor as if the long-committed Sunday afternoon still stretched ahead of them .
9 Departments are now obliged to review from time to time the bodies they sponsor , and have received instructions that — whatever the precise degree of independence — the minister is answerable to Parliament for whether the body is working efficiently and economically .
10 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
11 Elsa departed because she could n't take Fagg 's oft-repeated loud muttering of ‘ Swiss maybe , but Swiss-Kraut certainly ’ ; two male Chinese took umbrage when he denounced them as Nips ; an observing Hindu became revolted when Mauleverer , an occasional resident , subjected him to intense cross-questioning about whether the liver was from a Dutch calf and was being served sufficiently rare ; and a delicious-looking Filipino , who strayed too close to Fishbane at breakfast , received a pinch which made her hysterical .
12 Not helped by : ‘ So delicious to cat , but it makes the whole flat smell as if the drains were wrong . ’
13 As discussed above , a more robust recognition system may result from allowing multiple interpretations of a segment , and letting lexical access make the final decision about whether a segment is or , for example , in the context of or , since neither gis , nor kif are valid lexical sequences .
14 There is a ( real ) wooden floor which looks bewildering ; the grain and ring patterns in the wood look as if the wood was a liquid oil , allowed to run and then dry .
15 Where the holder of a canteen licence ceases to manage the canteen , the person who is in charge for the time being can , for a period of 14 days from the date " when the holder ceased to be manager , sell liquor as if the licence had been transferred to him .
16 She asked Dot about whether the sun was shining in London , about the school , and about Gloria .
17 It says much for the sang-froid of the practised musician that , despite the intrusion of a bomb hoax , both Dame Joan and the orchestra resumed the published programme as if no interruption had occurred .
18 This time , her directness must have been disarming , because there was an answering murmur as if the people in the bar knew what she 'd said .
19 An increase in the number of examples of each type of team would serve to reduce the uncertainty about whether the differences found are causally related to the way the team is organized , rather than , say , the product of idiosyncratic differences or of secondary factors .
20 There is also uncertainty about whether the economic benefits of industrial growth centres will spread to the surrounding areas or will be restricted to the centre .
21 Consequently there is a good deal of uncertainty about whether the newcomers to the countryside have wrought a deterioration or a revitalization of the village community .
22 The hardships associated with uncertain wage levels include difficulty in obtaining a mortgage , difficulty with HP purchase , or uncertainty about whether the rent — or the food bill — will be paid .
23 I think that those letters show a wholly understandable sense of frustration , but the House of Lords , before which an appeal is pending , has shown uncertainty about whether the provisions of the Shops Act 1950 remain part of our domestic law .
24 The manoeuvring goes on : Boris Yeltsin appears to have backtracked slightly on the powers he has assumed to by-pass the Supreme Soviet , although he still intends to hold the planned referendum ; meanwhile the parliament has called a full session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to impeach the president , but there is uncertainty about whether the hardliners can actually muster a sufficient majority .
25 For example , if there was some slight uncertainty about whether an input segment was as legion or as in lesion the ambiguity at the lexical level would not be enough to resolve the ambiguity at the phoneme level .
26 He scratched under his bag wig , knocking it askew , then straightened it in a fussy way , all the time fidgeting in his seat as if the bugs were biting there too .
27 The drop in support for the government parties after less than five months in power was widely attributed to growing scepticism about whether the government could produce a workable programme to tackle the country 's economic crisis .
28 The outlook for sterling is clouded by confusion about whether the Chancellor has set a new floor for the pound .
29 She rummaged frantically in her handbag as if the key were a vital clue , its loss disastrous , seeing in imagination a phalanx of accusing eyes , the police demanding she account for it , Father Barnes 's tired and dispirited face .
30 I am grateful to my editors at Viking Penguin , New York , and Victor Gollancz Ltd , London , Amanda Vaill and Joanna Goldsworthy , for their patience and understanding as I kept changing my mind about whether the work was finished .
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