Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Late last month , Mr Lang telephoned Mr Palmer in Massachusetts to argue the case for Digital 's South Queensferry and Ayr plants .
2 ‘ Well , responsibility for another 's life has always terrified me , if that 's what you mean . ’
3 The acquisition of Palatine would result in a dilution of Anglo-Welsh 's earnings per share .
4 It is believed senior executives of the company in Boston are aware of the strain on Scottish and Irish employees waiting to hear which of the plants will suffer as a result of Digital 's rationalisation of its European manufacturing operation , forced by world-wide recession and changes in the computer industry .
5 Being part of the natural world and a proper object of scientific study , X is predictable on the basis of X 's preferences and information , which are in turn the result of X 's nature and nurture .
6 Put another way , ‘ The protection given by the law of copyright is against copying , the basis of the protection being that one man must not be permitted to appropriate the result of another 's labour ’ ( LB [ Plastics ] v. Swish ) .
7 As it takes time for these reactions to occur , one country 's acid rain may be the result of another 's emissions .
8 With the example before him of the exclusion from the succession of the line of Eorcenberht 's brother , Eormenred , and the murder of Eormenred 's sons , Aethelred and Aethelberht , Eadric , son of Ecgberht , may have feared exclusion by his uncle , Hlothhere ( see Appendix , Fig. 1 ) .
9 How come a club of United 's stature can no longer compete in the transfer market , and are now overshadowed by humble Blackburn when it comes to buying players ?
10 DJ Kevin Cameron hosts a Saturday afternoon programme of 60 's and 70 's hits which Moira claims she 's too young to remember … but she listens anyway .
11 The second book is a comparative French/British study of 1980 's communications policymaking and deregulation ; it concludes by stressing the similarities in French and British policy in these areas .
12 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
13 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
14 That his own son could achieve a measure of success so late in the day is the greatest single indication of Æthelred 's incapacity , and hints at the resilience of English government .
15 The cost would be immeasurable , but there would be green on either side of Zayed 's desert highway in his lifetime .
16 RMC jumped 24 to 630p after some flattering words from broking analysts in the light of 1991 's results , announced on Tuesday .
17 But the Chronicle itself is not comprehensive enough to make such doubts irresistible ( see below ) , and skaldic poetry is sometimes a valuable supplement to our other sources , especially on the fighting of Æthelred 's reign and Cnut 's activities in Scandinavia .
18 He denounced the immoralities which had prevailed in Northumbrian society since the days of King Aelfwald and contrasted the adornments of dress and hair and the luxurious standard of living of Aethelred 's court-circle with an absence of concern for the poor and the starving .
19 There is therefore a clear place for an EC policy to oversee State aids , and so to ensure that they do not unjustifiably favour one member 's industry at the expense of another 's , and thereby mitigate the intentions of EC competition policy .
20 The fact that the undertaking is not speaking with its own voice but is merely the echo of another 's soon becomes known .
21 Brian , although fascinated by psychology , always wanted to sort himself out , not put his mind into another 's hands .
22 He embodied the message in those well-known lines : Kindness in another 's trouble , courage in one 's own' .
23 Whichever definition is used , the gist of the offence is the creation of fear in another 's mind .
24 As I was not pleased with this , and indeed a little sorrowful that my brother should take pleasure in another 's company , I went to bed early and lay listening to the West Wind howling round the turrets and after a while fell into an uneasy slumber .
25 What he means is that although in one sense the competitively won money is very desirable — it gives a terrific boost to Imperial 's research and , because many of the contracts are from industry , keeps the university closely in touch with the real world — it actually contributes next of nothing to the core costs of the college , of which , of course , academic salaries are the largest single component .
26 Earlier Robson 's dramatic arrival — five months after his last competitive encounter — had an immediate effect on United 's performance .
27 One item given a public airing in the supplement is the existence of a bolted-on hold on the Tea Monster at Water-cum-Jolly 's Cornice .
28 And Irish Football League secretary Harry Wallace today expressed his disbelief at Best 's decision to promote the Pele videos .
29 The line ( 0 ) is the reaction function of manufacturer 1 whilst is the reaction function of the retailer of 2 's product when charged an input price ( costs are assumed here to equal zero ) .
30 The fundamental weakness in Oswine 's position was not necessarily so much the challenge from Swaefheard as the lack of support within the kingdom for a prince of Eormenred 's line .
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