Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Tinos is a two person backpacking tent worth £55 in the shops .
2 It is interesting to note how Trade Indemnity , which has been an active user of this Z-Score approach for many years , used the technique as part of its overall risk assessment procedures to provide advance warning , allowing it to reduce exposure to MCC to a nominal sum by the time it failed .
3 It is best to use a kicking technique as part of a larger , integrated move , combining all the basic techniques that the beginner has learned .
4 Many families have continued to attach great importance to the family line , adopting their daughter 's husband or another male as heir to the family name where there is no son to succeed .
5 The Brazilian automobile assembly industry was created in the 1950s to replace imports by using investment allowances and protection as inducements to foreigners to invest .
6 ‘ The two go in tandem , ’ said the vicar , who would like to see ‘ a living building as part of a living church . ’
7 All filming is produced to high archival standards producing three generations of film of which the archival negative is stored in suitable conditions and in a different building as part of the disaster control measures .
8 The Royal Society of Edinburgh 's former collection of foreign scientific periodicals , now located in the Causewayside Building as part of the SSL , continues to be maintained and catalogued by library staff .
9 ‘ For the Government to consider scrapping this form of protection for tenants against landlords is a backward step . ’
10 The whole arbitrary system itself , which was a temporary measure of protection for tenants in a period of acute post-war scarcity , should be dispensed with as soon as the output of the house-building industry has regained a satisfactory level .
11 Recommendations include stopping development in crucial habitat areas , providing protection for areas of special value , and increasing local jurisdiction over coastal activities and government support of international directives to set an example .
12 Editor , — A B Kay deserves support in his attempt to persuade the General Medical Council ( GMC ) to provide far more effective protection for members of the public in relation to doctors who publicise treatments of unproved efficacy .
13 Police protection for members of the Royal Family living in Gloucestershire is costing council tax payers more than a million pounds a year .
14 The NAAA and the ADC were formed with a dual purpose : to provide legal protection for Arab-Americans against discrimination , and to lobby for a change in America 's policy towards the Arabs and Israel .
15 In a series of assaults on Scotland 's natural heritage laws the Scottish Office , and Scottish Secretary Ian Lang , have succeeded in overturning the presumption of protection for Sites of Special Scientific Interest , creating instead new ‘ natural heritage areas ’ which will be protected — if that 's the right word — by voluntary agreements .
16 The directive requires greater protection for sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) ; however , the SSSI system ends at the low-tide mark , so the government will have to identify a new set of important marine sites .
17 It follows that the Convention is not a direct protection for freedom of speech in Britain : it is a persuasive and educative force which , if media interests have the patience and determination to seek rulings from Strasbourg , may slowly shape the operation of British law in favour of public interest reporting .
18 The BBC and IBA meekly complied with the ban , which further underlines the lack of constitutional protection for freedom of speech in British law .
19 In deciding the scope of a " fair comment " plea and the degree of interpretative sophistication to bring to bear on the question of whether a passage is " comment " or " fact " , the court should have regard to the constitutional importance of the " fair comment " defence as a protection for freedom of expression .
20 This was to be achieved by coordinating the listing conditions in member states , and thus to provide similar protection for investors at Community level and to enable EC-wide listing of member state securities .
21 A general strike was held on Jan. 8 in support of demands for higher wages and pensions , new measures to combat unemployment , and protection for workers during the privatisation of state industries .
22 This can be illustrated by the early examples of protection for individuals in the special treaty provisions for minorities ; the inclusion of human rights in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter in the context of the maintenance of international peace and security ; and by the paucity of international mechanisms for the enforcement of those rights and freedoms .
23 Tunnard ( 1989 ) makes some excellent suggestions about ways this can be achieved , including : improving ways of providing emergency protection for children at times of crisis by drawing upon the support of the extended family and local community ; involving parents in decision making , providing parents ' representatives and encouraging the development of local support groups ; improving what happens after separation by offering children and families choices about what can be done , and ensuring contact is promoted and maintained ; dealing with sexual abuse cases in ways that help non-abusing parents to avoid taking a defensive position and that give them the resources and support they need to be able to protect their children .
24 Yet it is clear that existing law does not provide enough protection for children against sexual abuse within the home and the Committee fails to make alternative proposals that will sufficiently strengthen it .
25 Also , if bus stations were brought up to the standards , with pleasant lounge cafés , attendants to look after luggage and protection for passengers from fumes and the weather , then even the maniacal travelling executive might be tempted to use public transport .
26 These latter losses were limited by additional reinsurance covers effected earlier in the year which provided protection for losses above $10m .
27 By far the greatest protection for consumers in Britain is provided by parliament , which in several important pieces of legislation has set up a framework in which the respective rights and duties of consumers and suppliers can be identified and clarified .
28 Another protection for consumers in their dealings with commercial organizations is provided by the Unfair Contract Terms Act , 1977 , which protects individuals against possible loss of rights from exclusion clauses and disclaimer notices on posters , tickets etc .
29 Edward Leigh , Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Industry and Consumer Affairs , has announced the introduction of improved protection for consumers from unscrupulous estate agents .
30 There is no substantive protection for privacy in British law .
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