Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The price , to a cheetah , of growing larger leg muscles is all the other things that the cheetah could have done with the materials and energy used to make the leg muscles , for instance make more milk for cubs .
2 Once you have traced out your basic floor plan and work triangle you can develop the rest of the kitchen to include more work space ( like a pastry or baking preparation area ) , more storage , other appliances , an eating area ( if there 's room ) , perhaps a desk area , and look into more technical details like electric outlets , and lighting .
3 It was suggested that the auction should be held in the open-air to enable more people to take part but William Dunlop objected , insisting that the venue be strictly adhered to as arranged .
4 The foundation of a national Board of Education signalled the acceptance within the official culture of a need for policies that would co-ordinate an efficient and fully national system of education , and also allowed the voices of dons who had been calling for a transformation of the traditional curriculum to carry more weight than ever before .
5 In marginal cases , courts have sometimes allowed the applicant an opportunity to provide more details pointing to materiality or agreed to an order subject to the applicant giving security for costs .
6 One thus has The intensity is related to this , but the probability distribution function contains more information than the intensity .
7 Hence , the high-performing division has more power and autonomy than the less-performing division because ( at this stage ) it is contributing more to the firm 's goals .
8 Follow-on milk contains more protein than breast milk or formula , but since protein deficiency is practically unheard of in this country , extra protein is n't really necessary .
9 Perhaps power lies with the supplier now , but overpowering or ‘ negotiating too sweet a deal ’ might provoke retribution later when the buyer has more suppliers from which to choose .
10 Ms Short said the women 's vote could help Labour to win the next general election provided more women could be persuaded that Labour was sensitive to women 's demands .
11 RUSSIAN has more words in it than any other language , ’ the teacher told me confidently .
12 It is currently the accepted policy in the mental health field to provide more services in the community for the mentally ill and mentally handicapped .
13 Research at Tambopata over the last ten years has shown that the Reserve has more species of birds ( over 570 ) , butterflies ( 1,200 ) and many other animal groups than any other location of its size on earth . ’
14 With the ‘ demographic shift ’ of the 1990 's we must take every opportunity to encourage more girls and young women to follow what I firmly believe to be a most rewarding of careers .
15 But as news of this service spreads , and more referrals are received from GPs and district nurses , the hospice needs more volunteers .
16 Is this something new for the new budget provide more training for carers and are we going to advertise it to carers if we are ? and the other point is transport and equipment .
17 Perhaps FYT 's ministry has more significance than we realise to merit such concerted antagonism !
18 Herzen 's suggestion that it continue in the West created more problems than it solved .
19 As the national administration made more demands in the form of conscription and taxation , so the recommendation of a patron became more important .
20 If the public acceptance of psychoanalysis meant anything for secondary selection it did mean that the scientificity of any description of the mind became more suspect — its subjectivity more evident .
21 Someone who believes that abortion is murder will think that the checkerboard abortion statute produces more injustice than outright prohibition and less than outright license ; someone who believes women have a right to abortion reverses these judgments .
22 Over the whole experiment clones of clover that were returned to their original grass associate made more growth than those introduced to alien sites ( significant at P < 0.001 ) .
23 The development of the national curriculum will do a great deal to stimulate more interest in science because more pupils will have to sustain well-judged scientific programmes of study until at least the age of 16 .
24 The album 's apparent randomness made more sense when you saw the movie .
25 Christianity may be represented by a tombstone and a gold ring with an incised palm branch and the legend AMA ME , although this religion has more significance in post-Roman Carlisle .
26 Now the brigade wants more women to come forward .
27 The horse has more chromosomes , 64 ( 32 pairs ) , but only 26 are metacentric .
28 ‘ The employee development side has more focus and emphasis now . ’
29 As ACCOUNTANCY goes to press , Charterail is making a last ditch attempt to find more funding and reopen negotiations with BR .
30 HOSPITAL fund raisers have hit back at claims that they were staging a begging plea in a bid to find more cash .
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