Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out of " in BNC.

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1 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
2 She looked grotesque , a little ridiculous , with thin clumps of hair sticking out of her mouth as if she was munching .
3 However , the Court had also held in Case 362/90 , d'Urso , [ 1990 ] 1 ECR 4105 that a collective decision to contract out of the Directive was not binding on individual employees who wish subsequently to transfer .
4 The Daily Sketch goes out of business , May 1971 .
5 The case arose out of a letter sent by the Attorney General in the summer of 1988 to booksellers handling Spycatcher warning them they were in contempt of court , because an injunction had been obtained to stop publication of extracts of the book in several national newspapers .
6 The case arose out of a fatal road accident in Illinois , the plaintiff 's parents having been killed as a result of a head-on collision between their Volkswagen Rabbit and another vehicle .
7 The case arose out of the Executive Agreement concluded between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran which led to the eventual release of the hostages detained in Tehran from November 1979 to January 1981 .
8 Suddenly all the fight drained out of her , leaving her weary and spent .
9 Moreover , the examples Couturier gives are of multiple discrete points of view carefully distinguished within the novels in question ( The Sound and the Fury , Pale Fire ) , whereas the mutable point of view employed in Verbivore is a technique developed out of the possibilities inherent in print , but moving toward the mutability of cybernetic text .
10 ‘ When the woman driver got out of the car she went to intervene between the two men .
11 The driver got out of the car .
12 The clues consisted of four pictures : Snoopy with cream on his face , Charlie Brown with red paint on his hands , Donald Duck with muddy feet , and Mickey Mouse with a necklace sticking out of his pocket .
13 I had joined them on their route marches out of the concentration area at Southampton .
14 We used to chat a lot as we rested during the frequent route marches out of camp at Southampton .
15 At a depth of 16 metres he came across a larger than life size bronze foot sticking out of the sand that proved only to be the tip of a large area of buried statues dating from the fifth century BC to the fourth century AD .
16 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
17 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
18 7.6.2 Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 the Landlord shall as soon as the Permissions have been obtained or immediately where no Permissions are required apply all money received in respect of such insurance ( except sums in respect of loss of Rent ) in rebuilding or reinstating the Premises or the Retained Parts so destroyed or damaged [ making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the money received out of the Landlord 's own money ] It is important to include the words in square brackets in order to ensure that the damaged or destroyed premises are reinstated .
19 In rebuilding or reinstating those parts of the Centre including essential accesses and services so destroyed or damaged making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the insurance money received out of the Landlord 's own money
20 Isabel stood as though chained to the floor , her heart galloping out of control like a runaway steed as she tried to make sense of the unholy din .
21 A The first kind developed out of the Romantic movement which emerged at a time when artists of all kinds rebelled against being servants in wealthy households , obeying their patrons ' orders and being regulated by religious , political and other advisers .
22 She stood looking about her ; at his plank bed with the bedclothes neatly pulled over it ; at the old easy chair with the stuffing sticking out of its seat .
23 Like the malarial swamps out of which the Most Serene Republic rose , we have seen that human altruism , communal feeling and social responsibility arose out of the egoistic , sadistic and erotic drives with which nature had endowed man .
24 Among the later additions came a namesake , James Hall , who had started off the war as a private in Kitchener 's ‘ First Hundred Thousand ’ It was in the Lafayette that Hall , a flyer with almost superhuman luck ( he once came down intact with an unexploded AA shell sticking out of his engine ) , founded the literary partnership with another pilot , Charles Nordhoff , that was to produce ‘ Mutiny on the Bounty ’ Joining the Squadron a few days after its inception was Raoul Lufbery , who , like Bert Hall , had also been a professional flyer before the war .
25 Nadia and Selma lay sleeping quietly , their black hair tumbling out of their braids .
26 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
27 ‘ When her heart goes out of the game that 's it .
28 The figure of Mercy points to the nature of the redemptive process : Later still , Julian of Norwich , whose mystical experience arose out of meditation on the Passion , defined her sense of a dynamic power of divine love working to process the effects of sin as the work of Christ : " and there is in him bleding and praying for us to the Father — and is and shall be as long as it nedith " .
29 The driver leaned out of the window and shouted at the lad , sounded his horn twice , then drove on .
30 Whenever we went there , Salvo and I expected Hasan 's ghost to leap out of the darkness and slit our throats with his dagger .
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