Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at last " in BNC.

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1 And indeed the little creature merely sighed before lying motionless , the fateful twitching stilled at last .
2 The need for centralization of the royal court and parliament led at last to the choice and subsequent development of Edinburgh as Scotland 's capital city .
3 Digital Equipment Corp has at last announced its OSF/1 Unix-based operating system for Alpha-based AXP systems , giving its Alpha hardware customers an alternative to VMS .
4 IBM Corp has at last woken up to the fact that to remain competitive in the personal computer business , it is necessary constantly to add new models , and in the US , the company yesterday added new 80486-based PS/1 models based on chips ranging from the 25MHz 80486SX to the 66MHz 80486DX2 ; they come in desktop and minitower configurations and are available now at prices expected to go from $1,200 to $3,000 ; they are upgradable to the Pentium .
5 The public breakdown of discipline in the crime-suppression division has at last destroyed the faith of many Thais in the police .
6 But it 's only now , 17 years after her death , that the first lady of crime fiction has at last acquired a fan club .
7 Are we to jump to the unlikely conclusion that John 's heart has at last been melted by the love of a good woman ?
8 They have been replaced in many areas by an urban , overwhelmingly middle-class population which has been attracted by a combination of cheap housing ( until the late 1960s ) and by an idealized view of rural life which their ownership of a car has at last allowed them to indulge .
9 My mind has at last caught up , and indeed overtaken my body .
10 Channel 4 's comedy department has at last found the right format for a cabaret star — by going back to the innocent childhood of TV comedy .
12 Fortunately their future has at last been settled and work is currently under way converting the mill into council offices .
13 Danes are in effect voting on a deal negotiated at last December 's EC summit in Edinburgh , which gave them opt-outs on sensitive issues such as a common currency , joint security , police controls and citizenship rules .
14 The lawyer murmured at last : ‘ Let's not be hasty .
15 A multi-tribal alliance of their own is their only chance of hanging on to power when white rule ends at last .
16 Light dawned at last .
17 It 's just that after four long , very long , years , a little light seems at last to be discernible through the gloom .
18 And amid calls from all sides for the terrorist violence to end at last he said that if his son became a symbol for peace and hope , that would be ‘ Tim 's unique achievement ’ .
19 His mind had at last found its way back to its usual cast when he heard Sara 's friend talking to her .
20 Many simply went in and out of the factory without showing any emotion at all , relieved that weeks of uncertainty had at last come to an end .
21 Light minded At last , a ( sort of ) fair report on the travellers in England .
22 There were 35 of us on top of the Eiger : Edwin Drummond 's Climb for the World dream realised at last .
23 Some hero has at last heard our cry and painted a blue sky .
24 Copy of a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to the C. B. News that , due to sustained pressure by herself , the District Council has at last let contracts to resurface the stretch of the Water of Leith Walkway between Currie Kirk and Juniper Green .
25 Copy of a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to the C. B. News that , due to sustained pressure by herself , the District Council has at last let contracts to resurface the stretch of the Water of Leith Walkway between Currie Kirk and Juniper Green .
26 Work presented at last summer 's high-energy physics conference in Paris gave an upper limit of 2.25 x 10 31 years for a proton decaying into a positron and a .
27 The telephone rang at last at 9.30 .
28 This dream had at last come true , for Lennie anyway , perhaps not in the way he had expected though .
29 ‘ Why ? ’ fitzAlan said at last .
30 Recent legislation had improved matters , however ; the 1833 Factory Act prohibited the employment of young children and the 1847 Ten Hours Act had at last given working people some time for recreation .
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