Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Idiot ! ’ she laughed , her heart thudding at his compliments .
2 Maggie was a bit shaken at his silence and knew she was once again blushing .
3 From the pouch hanging at his belt he brought out a leather flask .
4 Trent came after him , right foot driving at his crotch but hitting his thigh as he rolled again .
5 Researchers of medieval settlements would do well , perhaps , to regard their scanty documentary references — often only the name and owner of a site at a particular date — in the same way that the Romanist looks at his sherds and the prehistorian his flint scatters .
6 How my heart sank at his words .
7 Jazzie looks at his hotel table , crowded with award statuettes .
8 The carp feeding around the inlet nudged at his fingers .
9 The wind burbled at his ear like frantic drumming .
10 Then up and on again with the wild wind catching at his wings and he trying to control it , to hover and reorientate .
11 The president has at his disposal an array of bargaining counters that he must ceaselessly and skilfully deploy in countless negotiating situations .
12 Otherwise it was largely a stunt — the saxophonist acting like a contortionist while continuing to play , the bass-player straddling his instrument on the floor , as if he were raping it ; and it was de rigueur for the pianist to stand at his instrument , and play with one hand , thus giving himself freedom for muscular improvisation .
13 Holly pushed his feet beneath the steel plate and the wind caught at his socks and trousers and drove a channelled wind against his legs and he cursed the awkwardness of his overcoat , and his feet kicked in the space like the feet of a hanging man .
14 Bevin 's reply hinted at his fear that such arrangements might reduce Britain to the position of a humble deputy to the American sheriff .
15 Inside , at the far end of the hut , Hob lay on a bed , his face white , the red blood frothing at his lips .
16 He was ashamed of himself , and he leant towards her , and the scent she had dabbed at her neck in the bedroom played at his nostrils .
17 Because of his other highly classified projects , his office already contained all the paraphernalia of necessary secrecy : the code-block and buttons on the door , the gaggle of different-coloured telephones , the five-thousand-pound safes , even the tempered glass in the windows , as his lawyer noted at his trial , ‘ so that enemies of the country ca n't beam through the windows and pick up the sound ’ .
18 On Whitsunday 1658 a stranger called at his house and begged for some small beer .
19 The pin-up star of hit movie Universal Soldier collapsed at his home in Los Angeles ’ San Fernando Valley after a strenuous work-out session in his private gym .
20 And the men in the boat fell at his feet , exclaiming , ‘ Truly you are the Son of God ’ ( Matt .
21 So it may be that Green influenced the way that the great poet looked at his surroundings , certainly in the later editions of Wordsworth 's Guide he acknowledges the value of the painter 's book .
22 A light dimmed at his passing .
23 He tapped the shoulder of the hunched figure seated at his left .
24 ‘ Of course we are trying to recruit new people to Flockplan , but we are doing so in the knowledge that having a detailed analysis of flock performance and an independent adviser standing at his shoulder , can help a sheep producer improve efficiency and profit enough to recoup the cost many times over . ’
25 When I close my eyes and imagine fatherhood , I see all the standard clichés : John Jr walking with me in the park , a football dribbling at his chubby little feet ; John Jr passing me a spanner as I lie underneath the motorbike ; John Jr asking me to read him that story one more time because I read it so well .
26 A dark figure appeared at his side , limping .
27 He reviewed the massed ranks of the uniformed SA and SS on the Langemarkt and made violently anti-Polish speeches from the Artushof and from the Zoppot Cure-House — speeches that left what remained of the opposition staggered at his vehemence and fearful of the consequences .
28 With a swift in and out action the practitioner strikes at his attacker 's eyes .
29 But as the priest stood at his study window , fingers joined in thanksgiving to the night sky for his release from the bitter-sweet torture of reliving what was dead and gone , his mind quailed before his new dilemma .
30 Choking , he shifted one hand from his enemy to claw at his own throat , and instantly the fist that was strangling him heaved him roughly back from the edge and flung him down in safety at the foot of the wall .
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