Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] from one " in BNC.

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1 The kind of economic support given from one migrant to the next includes : assistance with the fare ; assistance in finding work ; a temporary home ; personal encouragement and moral support whilst the new migrant is adjusting to Britain .
2 There were two large vegetable dishes with lids on in the centre of the table and , beyond them , on an oval plate , was a roasted chicken , brown and shiny with stuffing oozing from one end .
3 He upended each of them in turn and allowed himself a grim little smile of satisfaction when a squirming scorpion tumbled from one of them .
4 ROY 'S DREAM returned to the winners ' enclosure at Kelso 11 days ago with blood oozing from one of the several whip marks on him .
5 Her left pupil is horribly dilated and blood trickles from one nostril and her hair .
6 An interruption came from one of the schoolboys who had walked up behind them and had some question he wanted to ask Matthew .
7 As he spoke , a figure came from one of the stables leading a horse .
8 As the choristers sang a low chant in the background , the priest moved from one vessel to the next , praying for the fishermen to be kept safe from harm , and asking that the catch over the next year may be bountiful .
9 The various extensions of the franchise during the course of the century , much more radical in numerical terms than the various extensions of the previous century , and the growth in population have resulted in the electorate growing from one of 6,730,935 in 1900 to one of 42,703,019 in 1983 .
10 If you ask in general , why social science has been in so selective in its use of Freud , and so one-sided in its interpretation , the answer seems to be , that since the nineteen twenties and up until very recently , Western social science has been primarily dominated by what I would call , cultural determinism , and by that I mean , a school of thought which believes that , to use a term borrowed from one of its founding fathers , Emile Durkheim , social facts have social causes .
11 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
12 Where the wind blows from one direction at a time , with a prevailing bias , in tenderness or fury , and every tree must flex its fibres to withstand the stresses of life , there we find asymmetry .
13 Our new rates reflect more accurately how the risk of theft varies from one part of the country to another .
14 Mr Halbert told the court : ‘ The car crossed from one side of the road to the other .
15 With a startled squawk a rook flew from one tree to another where it perched complaining loudly .
16 On Saturday with a gale blowing from one end of the pitch to the other , it was always going to be a battle between two sets of players who are never content just to hold the jacket when the going gets tough .
17 Are you gon na take the figure starting from one twenty and take it up from there and down from there ?
18 Particles in the form of small flakes take up different orientations in different regions of a flow ; when light enters from one direction and is viewed from another , bright and dark patches reveal the structure of the flow ( e.g. Figs. 4.8 , 16.11 , 17.8 ) .
19 The mind shifts from one alternative to the other , becoming more entangled in the net of its own thoughts as it does so .
20 The screen shields it from light coming from one direction , which gives it some " idea " of where the light is coming from .
21 Within each layer convection is occurring , but the density difference between the layers associated with the concentration difference prevents this convection penetrating from one layer to another .
22 The chief superintendent looked from one sheet to another and then back again , as if there were certain connections that he was looking for and was unable to find .
23 To suggest that what they were doing before was of low priority is a misleading simplification — could one for example conclude that if a professor moves from one department to another he does so because the former is of low quality ?
24 The hound grunted with pain and he let it fall limp at his feet , a small dark trickle of blood flowing from one nostril .
25 This led to the everyday use of microphones which were mounted on the end of a short boom extending from one of the ear-pieces of the pilot 's radio headset to a position in front of his mouth .
26 A standardised set of operations , carried out intermittently , as each batch moves from one operation to the next .
27 One area of normal animation that can cause some heartaches is backgrounding and the scrolling of scenery as action moves from one place to another .
28 The tendency of the mind to move from one thing to another has to consist in the straightforward fact that one thing usually follows , or is caused by , the other ; the tendency or association can not be thought of as some experienced feature of the situation without reviving the original situation of having an unanalysed conception of the mind 's ability to reach out and apprehend things .
29 Her thoughts were interrupted when , some way ahead of them , a young urchin ran from one of the side alleys and began chanting , " Panaleiro , panaleiro , Dom João é panaleiro ! "
30 Carp have no stomach and digestion proceeds from one end of the gut to the other .
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