Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Although this freedom offers a better indicator than such things as matriliny or the worship goddesses , it also is not a clear indicator of the political and economic power , in spite of Engels 's belief to the contrary .
2 In Cuncliffe-Owen v Teather & Greenwood ( a Stock Exchange case ) Mr Justice Ungoed-Thomas said : " it is suggested on the one hand that this rule excluded usage of wider scope and , on the other hand , with the support of expert evidence , that it was a particular instance reflecting a wider usage .
3 Now , offices , the County Hall and even a car park make a bigger impact but the prison retains its huge central site .
4 By contrast to weaning , which represents the loss of a love-object ( the breast ) and which produces a characteristic culturally valued response ( mastery of the ability to postpone oral gratification in the interests of agriculture ) , toilet-training represents a more-or-less voluntary submission to an educative influence and a partial redirection against the self of the sadistic drive which is associated with the anal function .
5 This would constitute information — data plus a contextual framework allowing a larger picture to be revealed .
6 Undoubtedly the people left behind can experience immense dislocation , amounting in extreme cases to complete social and economic dereliction , but with no economic base to support a larger rural population , conditions would have been worse if those who moved to the towns had chosen to remain in the countryside .
7 However , the real point seems to be that the risk of an uninformed auditor 's being misled after a change imposes a greater cost than the benefit ( unquantified and intangible ) that a compulsory change would provide .
8 The buyer receives a further 100 from the seller who has to pay an equivalent amount as variation margin .
9 The Socialist government of Sr Felipe Gonzalez saw lower consumption forecasts due to lower levels of economic growth as offering the opportunity to establish a better energy balance .
10 They meet under the auspices of the National Association of Coordinators of Community Languages in order to develop their expertise : a number of colleagues within this body have advocated the setting up of a recognised DES course to provide a further exchange of ideas as well as more official guidance to team leaders and coordinators .
11 The cones are concentrated in the fovea , and the rest of the retina has a higher proportion of rods which only provide monochrome vision .
12 Kirsty 's story has a happier ending .
13 The reader might wonder why paper money has almost superseded the use of metal coins when even one coin has a greater value in metal than the largest banknote has as a piece of paper .
14 Though this makes the two words par and key , the word park has a stronger activation than either par or key . ’
15 Diminished responsibility has a wider ambit , but its effect is merely to reduce murder to manslaughter , giving the judge discretion on sentencing or other disposal .
16 The dose equivalence over 24 hours is more difficult to estimate but since salmeterol has a longer duration of action salmeterol 50 µg twice daily may be equivalent to salbutamol 500 µg four to six hourly .
17 Video also creates the opportunity to observe a wider range of teacher personalities , teaching styles , classroom conditions and learning needs .
18 Tofu is available fresh or in long-life packs ; the fresh variety has a firmer texture .
19 Evidence shows that untreated milk has a higher nutritional value and contains anti-infective agents which can both restrict the growth of contaminating bacteria in milk and give the consumer protection against infection .
20 Then on Monday Durham County Council 's best laid plans were thrown into disarray by the news the teachers ' 7.5pc pay rise created a further deficit of almost £3m .
21 Today only Seagate is still up there among the leaders , IBM is still striving to build a serious OEM business , and the big names alongside Seagate are Conner Peripherals Inc , Quantum Corp and Maxtor Corp , with Hewlett-Packard Co becoming a bigger presence .
22 Only the musk ox has a denser covering of hair .
23 TRANMERE won their long fight to provide a better standard of competition for their reserves today when they were admitted to the Pontins League .
24 The phenomenon reflects not only the difficulties of part-time recruitment in an area like Oxfordshire which lacks a large urban and industrial base , but also the fact that the Modular Course has a better chance of retaining and increasing such students than conventional courses ( Figure 2.2 ) .
25 In the ‘ spatial division of labour ’ , the labour-intensive mass-production branch has a weaker role than in the 1960s and is partly replaced by TNC investment in the Third World .
26 Second , the legislative branch has a weaker basis of comparison ( than shareholders in a market firm ) on which to judge the efficiency of the present administration .
27 By doing this , ‘ they have helped to set one area and one group of workers against another in the struggle to obtain a higher share of the inadequate number of jobs available . ’
28 Portillo wants a further swing from the state towards the individual in social welfare , education and health and closer targeting of benefits .
29 Familiar loud harsh quack , resembling farmyard duck , uttered by duck only ; drake has a softer ‘ queek ’ .
30 I , ve got a better idea Mr Kelly .
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