Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] by three " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As I got to the platform , there was the driver surrounded by three other BR staff watching him pluck the bird .
2 Apparently he got to hear about a particularly tricky deal prepared by three Japanese whaling companies to come with quota proposals , and he knew that one of the companies was taking a very different view from the other two , and he hoped that there could be a divide-and-rule situation set up .
3 The number of people trained in industry dropped by three hundred thousand and the Secretary of State tells the house that this is a success .
4 Bernice could see Legion 's body splitting into a firework display of multi-coloured fronds , and slowly drawing together into a hairy black ovoid supported by three pipe-cleaner legs .
5 The ileal loop was perfused at a rate of 1.0 ml/minute by a peristaltic pump ( Watson-Marlow , Inc , Marblehead , MA ) ; experiments started with 30 minutes equilibration followed by three hours during which samples of ileal effluent were collected every 10 minutes .
6 She led the way down a short and curving hall into the lounge — a rugged expanse of blue and gold that seemed to glow in the light admitted by three high windows .
7 It is a small church , with an exo-narthex covered by three small domes .
8 ‘ The Killing Field ’ was the macabre headline chosen by three newspapers .
9 TROUBLED property giant Olympia & York waited until just hours before the loan would have gone into default before making a $51/2m interest payment on a $930m Eurobond secured by three Manhattan office blocks .
10 These spaces were commissioned by their respective rulers and were chosen by the authors to illustrate the art produced and the ideology disseminated by three distinctive types of regime : civic republic , princely court and ‘ triumphalist ’ state .
11 The National Council of the Guild decided by three votes to two to call a special conference to rescind the affiliation decision .
12 But Washington said that while it had prior knowledge of the plot hatched by three disaffected officers , it did not actively back it .
13 The Duveen Galleries are basically a large hallway formed by three separate but continuous rooms strung out in a line , which empty into the side galleries to the right and left .
14 This was no soccer match won by three goals nor a race won by three seconds .
15 Three horsemen left , members of the armed household , and someone of greater consequence accompanied by three or four servants on garrons but no pack-mules .
16 One of the articles is about the abstract artist Sol LeWitt , who was in Krauss 's opinion misinterpreted by three critics as serving ‘ as triumphant illustration of the powers of human reason .
17 This was no soccer match won by three goals nor a race won by three seconds .
18 There is no buccal capsule , the mouth consisting simply of a small opening surrounded by three lips .
19 Microscopic : The adult parasites have a simple mouth opening surrounded by three large lips and in the male the tail has small caudal alae .
20 What we 're actually lo doing here is those of longer members who remember we used to have a thing called the area health authority which was proposed in a three tier structure by a corporation called the McKenzie corporation at great expense charity governed by three quarters of a million pounds to invent structure of the National Health Service nineteen seventy two some years later they came back and said , well give us another million pounds and we 'll go back and look at it again , and say actually we were wrong , and they abolished the areas , and produced districts !
21 The program comes up with a display of the main menu accompanied by three beeps : —
22 Whilst they achieved no reaction at all from the cereal taken from outside the phenomena , that from inside the circle and the stone gave three clockwise gyrations on the pendulum followed by three anti-clockwise .
23 ( Two words of warning : the past few years have revealed an odd seasonal pattern of a good first quarter followed by three bad ones ; and , true to form , April and May this year have proved less rewarding than earlier months .
24 Unix pioneer Larry Michels , president , chairman , chief executive and co-founder of The Santa Cruz Operation Inc , has resigned in the wake of a civil suit filed by three former executive secretaries charging him with sexual harassment ( UX No 415 , 416 ) .
25 Casualties reduce this speed in proportion , eg a chariot pulled by three Giant Wolves moves 9″ .
26 He rides a massive chariot pulled by three wolves , and swings his mighty axe Elf-Biter .
27 Grom rides a chariot pulled by three giant wolves and is accompanied by his Goblin attendant Niblit who carries the army 's battle standard .
28 The prisoner , Terry Robinson , left Grendon Underwood jail this morning guarded by three prison officers for a routine x-ray at Stoke Mandevill hospital ten miles away .
29 Whilst exports to the dollar area rose by three times in current terms between 1947 and 1951 , as a share of total exports the increase ( from 11.5 to 14.5 per cent ) was only marginal .
30 Two black leather chesterfields faced each other across a low glass-topped table bearing a cylindrical flower vase of highly polished stainless steel surrounded by three slimmer and smaller cylinders of the same material , which , empty , could have been a rather large cruet set , but the true function of which was illustrated by the pure white candles , long and pointed , which emerged from their upper openings .
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