Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [that] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The story goes that ealy in the last century the then owner , a reverend David Edwards made a good marriage to a rich but stout lady , Miss Purnell .
2 The withdrawal of their support mean that only 13 of 31 senators backed the privatization bill , with 15 ( PC and left-wing parties ) opposed and three , from the Movimento Nacional de Rocha faction of the Blancos , still undecided .
3 He was wearing a translucent gossamer painglove that hardly anyone else could see .
4 Asking people to match the colours they could recall with colours on a standard colour chart revealed that only about half the dreams contained colour , and many of these were in pastel shades .
5 Meanwhile , the T-shirt stalls that usually clutter the Venice Beach Boardwalk disappeared and were replaced by quaint bookstores and outdoor caféd from the Sixties , so convincingly real that residents of the area walked into them , only to be thrown out by laughing security guards .
6 For many feminists resist the relativist conclusion in this case to demand that both women and men shake themselves free of their conditioning .
7 A national survey of parent education and support found that all too often parents were seen as falling into one of two camps : either they were coping adequately and were considered to need no assistance , or they fell below an accepted level of ‘ good parenting ’ and became the focus of immediate state intervention ( Pugh and De'Ath , 1984 ) .
8 David Graddol and Joan Swann for instance suggest that high pitched voices will lack authority as long as there are squealing children and low , growly dogs .
9 Mrs Brundtland , Norway 's Prime Minister , complained about it to Mrs Thatcher and New Scientist reported that even the CEGB 's own scientists ‘ discreetly let it be known that they were annoyed by the final version of the video . ’
10 For example , in 1979 a French survey of the world literature reported that only 430 cases of ocular , and 350 cases of visceral , larva migrans had been recorded .
11 enable your opponent to abandon a commitment by : describing all the concessions you have made so far suggesting that the circumstances have changed blaming some other party or situation for the present position , such as the government , another union , the economy , the personnel department suggesting that somehow there has been a misunderstanding referring the whole matter to another individual or group .
12 It is a pleasure to see that so many museums still have free admission and free events but if you are dropping in on a favourite , remember that many close at Christmas and New Year and booking is advisable .
13 As an aside the research revealed that just under half of the women questioned did not support the women 's liberation movement .
14 Another interview revealed that ever since childhood she had been very suspicious of strangers .
15 A recent survey by the US Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association reported that more than 90 medicines were being developed to combat AIDS and AIDS-related conditions .
16 A subsequent prospective study demonstrated that neither metformin nor glibenclamide had an adverse effect on serum total cholesterol , triglyceride , HDL-cholesterol or the apoproteins A-I and B ( Taylor et al , 1982 ) .
17 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
18 Dr Gilvear 's study found that most often the breaches in the embankments occurred where they overlaid old channels and were vulnerable to erosion .
19 One study found that nearly two thirds of patients had had their incontinence for over two years before they first sought professional advice .
20 The study found that almost 20 per cent developed significant problems including anxiety , depression , fear of driving or being a passenger and many continued to have vivid memories of the accident months after the event .
21 Furthermore , by 1980 one study found that almost 60 per cent of bank lending to the industrial and commercial sectors constituted ‘ medium-term finance ’ .
22 Another study found that poorly differentiated solid carcinomas showed only weak staining and in our small sample a poorly differentiated tumour would significantly decrease the apparent sensitivity .
23 In 1982 , a study found that only 2 per cent of sales in the previous six years had been flats ( General Household Survey 1982 , 1984 , Table 5.44 ) .
24 Scragg et al in a case-control study found that ever user of the pill was associated with an increased risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease in women younger than 29 years and a reduced risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease in older women .
25 In 1988 the Consumers ' Association found that only 25 per cent of parents had attended a parent-teacher association meeting in the past twelve months and only 9 per cent had attended a school governors ' annual meeting .
26 The Consumers ' Association says that rather than give half the cover price to retailers , they prefer to sink the money into campaigning work and more investigations .
27 A report by the European Regional Airlines Association says that only 2 per cent of transport emissions come from aircraft , compared to 94 per cent from motor vehicles .
28 The United Nations ' World Food Programme says that more than 20m Africans will depend on food aid this year — more , by far , than during the horrors in the Horn of Africa six years ago .
29 He kept seeing them over and over in his mind , like an action replay of a not very good football match that only showed the goals .
30 ( The NEDC says that already 16 000 more programmers are needed . )
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