Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The other four winning projects are : Community Education , Whitechapel Art Gallery , London , an educational programme under the direction of Lucy Dawe Lane involving over 200 artists living in the East End of London , ( the award will be used to set up after-school activities for local Bengali children and their families ) ; Art in Albany Prison , Isle of Wight , where Colin Riches has set up the first art centre in a maximum security jail , providing full-time employment and art education for eighteen long-term prisoners , ( Colin Riches will use his award to carry out further researches into the benefits of art in prisons ) ; Art Trust , Homerton Hospital , London , where the inspiration of surgeon William Shand has covered the bare walls and public spaces of the new building with specially-commissioned pictures and sculpture , ( the award will be used to commission a major sculpture for the principal courtyard ; and The Fan Museum , Greenwich , London , the first museum of fans , set up by Dicky and Helen Alexander who have donated their collection of 2,000 fans to the museum , ( the award will be used to provide proper storage facilities for the collection ) .
2 Keith also wanted his own room and the freedom to go out separately .
3 His card message system gave him the freedom to go out alone and hail a taxi , showing the driver the appropriate card for the place he wanted to visit .
4 The hose goes on there .
5 ‘ BR has spent a great deal of time and money building up nationally known brand names and images .
6 So there you are and then the driver board goes on here
7 Labour may also gamble that Scottish Liberal Democrats — who in the last parliament made up almost half Mr Ashdown 's party — will be reluctant to vote down a government which is trying to legislate for a Scottish assembly elected by proportional representation .
8 It can be the noisiest thing — like a building crashing down right next to you . ’
9 Heathland in southern England is perhaps the most threatened wildlife habitat in Britain , despite the fact that its international importance is well established — the Dartford warbler , nightjar , stonechat , sand lizard and smooth snake make up just a part of the splendid fauna .
10 Yin and yang ; animus and anima ; the pairing turns up so often , not surprisingly it is sometimes taken for a universal principle of human thought and categorisation .
11 ‘ I made a conscious decision to go out as much as possible when I had the baby , ’ she says , ‘ because I knew the walls would close in on me if I did n't .
12 I wish for the committal to go along please sir ?
13 The baby 's heart slows down slightly ; they stop before all the blood 's in ; there 's enough .
14 All they could do was work from day to day , from performance to performance , and through the second week , Charles started to feel his confidence in the part building up again .
15 sta sta staff comment comes out of there and that bit goes up then you have general skills and abilities and then below that you have a wider box which just says comments which will include a staff comment and may include a pupil comment as well cos because it 's signed by both at the bottom .
16 Personally , I do not find it objectionable , and in any case the smell goes off very quickly when it comes into contact with the soil and bacteria get to work on it .
17 The client was so impressed with Bruce 's presentation that they bought the sprayer at a cost of £22,500 from the agricultural machinery specialist and agreed a contract with Rentokil to supply the labour to use the sprayer to carry out fortnightly treatments over the summer months for £12,000 a year .
18 About a kilometre from our house there was a large field given over exclusively to melons and watermelons , which do well in the Po valley because of the heat .
19 This ‘ sensing ’ system is linked to a lid ‘ Shut-Off Valve , ’ so that if the lid is accidentally closed with a hotplate burner still on , the gas to the hotplate shuts off immediately and stays off whilst the lid is down .
20 They spent their adolescence hanging out together , fostering unhealthy obsessions for spotty pop bands and painstakingly creating fanzines called Clouds Have Groovy Faces which were crammed with Parma violets and articles on My Bloody Valentine and Primal Scream .
21 If as a result of that provision the trustees or the majority of them are deemed , in relation to the trust , not to be resident in the United Kingdom , the provision goes on further to provide that the general administration of the trust shall be treated as ordinarily carried on outside the United Kingdom .
22 Another favourite to go out early on was Kevin Mitchell who retired at Portrush on lap one so it was left to Brian Reid , Alan Patterson , and Alan Irwin to carry the main challenge to Dunlop along with Milling and Lougher .
23 First , the firm is eager to expand its data-transmission services , which at present make up just 5% of total sales ; by 2000 it hopes that will have risen to around 20% .
24 But though Athens ' diplomatic interest in the west goes back so early , it seems that Syracuse 's aims of conquest long preceded and are independent of any serious commitment of men or money by Athens .
25 Political change of some kind goes on continuously in every society , in response to a variety of changing internal and external conditions , which include the relation to nature and to other societies , the interaction of groups within each society , and the unceasing circulation of personnel through the disappearance of older generations and the rise of new ones .
26 Insist that they are ready on Thursday afternoon to go in either direction , long or short , that the company takes .
27 ‘ The bike skidded on past ahead of me and I followed it in to the side of the road .
28 Some of this noise turns up unexpectedly when cruising around the motorway limit , and the only answer is to go faster or slower .
29 However , we now have an opportunity to show that Europe can address European problems and that we will intervene in a way that will give the people of Yugoslavia the opportunity to sit down together and find a peaceful solution to the problems .
30 After a meal consisting largely of refined carbohydrate food the blood-sugar level goes up very quickly , which would seem to be a good thing in satisfying the appetite .
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