Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that it is the major influence of the transmural pressure on this parameter calculated according to the Law of LaPlace .
2 The pace of change varied according to the region so that a building layout considered out of date in one area might still be fashionable in another .
3 The grant varied according to the employee 's grade .
4 Though its original statute forbad lending to foreign-controlled firms , a 1986 policy statement softened this policy by implying inclusion of local firms with minority shares held by multinationals ( Brazilian Government , 1986 ) .
5 ‘ They live , or they 're supposed to live , in the paddock between the Rectory and the House , but the fencing needs seeing to , so they tend to wander round the Rectory when they want .
6 ‘ It 's about time you and Mummy stopped going to that dreary old Richardson in the High Street and switched to Mr Vigo . ’
7 I 've got to go listen it 's been lovely t talk to talk talking to you if you could pop in with a bottle of I wanted to try the new Beaujo If anybody 's got it and they come over , just ring the ring the door bell .
8 The application of the principles of judicial review vary according to the circumstances .
9 use the new schedules to classify new stock , but leave the old stock classified according to earlier editions of the schedules ; or
10 Although libraries may classify new stock by the latest edition of DC , earlier editions remain important because many libraries are reluctant to reclassify , and thus leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after they have been superseded .
11 With any type of aircraft the characteristics of a spin vary according to the loading , so that the spin becomes flatter as the c.g. is moved back .
12 The Oxford English Dictionary defines a game as ‘ a contest played according to rules and decided by superior skill , strength or good fortune ’ .
13 The amount of the contribution of each institution varies according to the size of its deposit base .
14 An even bigger obstacle to the successful introduction of legislative guide-lines in this country might be the existence of a number of different tariff ranges according to the different levels of court , to which we referred earlier .
15 The figure of one in four crimes being reported refers to crime in general , and this ratio of recorded to unrecorded crime varies according to the particular crime .
16 Classical criminology clearly allows for a loose association between antecedent variables and outcomes : the probability of crime varies according to the degree of rationality of individuals and the efficiency and consistency of the criminal justice system .
17 In the meantime , news of the vote needed explaining to a specially convened bondholders ' meeting on May 16th when 19 of their total number of 47 were present to hear the Report explained .
18 In the year 1531 , an attempt had been made to poison Fisher whilst at his palace at Lambeth , the attempt failing owing to the bishop being unable to take food , but 19 people died and others were taken seriously ill .
19 Armenia announced its intention to secede according to consitutional procedure .
20 No one who reads the speech of the President of the Union at the inaugural meeting of the mission , before Temple opened his mouth , can suppose that that President needed converting to Christianity .
21 As one moves from the liberal state of competitive capitalism to the totalitarian state of monopoly capitalism in crisis , the state becomes more bureaucratized , the extent of bureaucratization varying according to the form of regime and the relationship between state apparatuses .
22 Introducing Wired , his biography of John Belushi , Bob Woodward recalls how the rigours of research involved going to bed early so as to rise at 4am to visit one of the comedian 's favourite watering holes .
23 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
24 In spite of everything , her mind kept returning to Antoinette — seeing her face as it had been during their last confrontation in Monpazier , twisted with bitterness and hate .
25 Following football means going to the game .
26 This Paufer preferred drinking to eating , and spent his slim budget proportionately .
27 In any event , they claim both a legal and moral mandate to act according to their ‘ consciences ’ , tempered as these are by professional experience and wide public consultation .
28 The Party chairman would decide later that day on what course of action to take pertaining to the Young Conservatives : the morning 's debate would continue as planned .
29 An estimated enrolment figure is calculated by the addition to the UF figure of the U- figure weighted according to previous experience .
30 The deliberate attempt to link learning to the design of instruction provided the necessary discipline to treat learning as a practical as well as a theoretical issue .
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