Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 The driver launches forward for a narrow escape .
2 This at least gives him the freedom to go out for air and to do errands such as visiting local shops or going to the hairdresser .
3 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
4 ‘ You 'll of course stay here for as long as you like .
5 You know , the computer goes down for a hour , it 's three-quarters of the day to get everything back and validated , and that 's a major interruption .
6 However , Karen 's quick intelligence and enthusiasm make up for any problems caused by her disability , and Janet says , she 's a big asset to the salon .
7 If a child is aged under 2 then any provision which is made for him/her by the LEA is stated to be special educational provision ; in the case of a child aged 2 or over it is ‘ educational provision which is additional to , or otherwise different from , the educational provision made generally for children of that age in schools maintained by the LEA ’ .
8 ‘ Do you want the cheque made out for cash ? ’
9 Because I 've had my hair highlighted regularly for the last ten years it gets really dry .
10 The moral decline of the West cries out for a return to the morals of protestant Christianity which will tell the nation what they must do to be strong once more .
11 As Lane points out for the Soviet Union : ‘ However much control they have over Soviet production enterprises , managers and administrators can neither dispose of their assets for their private good , nor can their children have any exclusive rights to nationalised property ’ ( Lane 1982 , p. 135 ) .
12 Fortunately the driver made up for this heresy by roundly cursing the French , whom he disliked for the same reason that most Englishmen do — the way they clutter up the place , never get out of the way and ca n't speak English .
13 It would take the easy way and go for the baited foot laid out for it …
14 Dame Agatha took Father Reynard by the sleeve and they walked away , the young sister apologising loudly for being late and asking if Father would give her the altar breads as she must return to the priory .
15 He and Liena conversed for a while before he announced his decision to wait there for the return of Tony and Ferdy ( the Germans ) , and Dave the American , asking me to take care of Liena on the way down .
16 On several occasions I witnessed his lordship make attempts to draw M. Dupont aside for some private conversation , only for Mr Lewis smilingly to impose himself upon them with some remark like : ‘ Pardon me , gentlemen , but there 's something that 's been greatly puzzling me , ’ so that his lordship soon found himself having to listen to some more of Mr Lewis 's jovial anecdotes .
17 PROFITS reached an all time high for the Food & Agriculture Division announced by for the year ending December 31 , 1992 .
18 And I would again ask to have money given specifically for this you know , for this purpose .
19 I do have a question and , and it has n't made , that has n't made it particularly clear as to where we are , you hinted that , and I think that was also seconded here that there might now be a post of some kind to carry on for instance the thing that I 'm particularly worried about is that there 's a sort of hiatus in the heartbeat awards , which I think would be a tragedy if that happened , and I want to be absolutely sure that that is , is n't so .
20 To mark the occasion ULSS staff past and present met up for an evening .
21 It is the excuse given now for all hunting , but the misuse of a concept of a practice like that proves nothing about whether it is itself legitimate .
22 stated that he had the authority to give a supplementary grant of £100 , but asked Southern Division to plan ahead for 1994 and to produce a budget showing anticipated expenditure , to be sent to National Office .
23 Either way , the change sits there for the reader , fascinating , not to be ignored .
24 The government thereby gave up the attempt to impose a solution and admitted that the people of Northern Ireland must be given an opportunity to work out for themselves how they should be governed .
25 That Newbury goes so well is entirely due to Mick and Julie Turrell and their long experience as organisers , plus their willingness to work hard for those who attend .
26 Something vulnerable in her manner brings out an element of sadism in the way the long final act teases her endurance ; but it also makes the denouement extremely touching , and the part lies well for a voice that has managed Janacek 's Capture as well as Verdi 's Violetta .
27 As we start afresh to build a new church , we have a heaven sent opportunity to try again for this possibility of godly unity which , if we let it , will be so powerful in persuading the world of the divinity of Jesus .
28 One reason there is so little change in most traditional bureaucratic organizations , I argue , is that they have conditioned out of people the willingness to stand up for a new idea .
29 Thirdly , the document will provide employees with the opportunity to come forward for help in the knowledge that they will be positively supported with the advice and necessary assistance , in order to overcome their problem and maintain their job security .
30 Mick was there first and climbed onto the tailboard to pull out for the rogue two of Paddy 's cans ( a fact which Paddy was slow to forget ) .
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