Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] against " in BNC.

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1 Such indemnities , transferring liabilities incurred to third parties , will be particularly useful in cases where a contracting party may incur liability to a person not party to the contract , which therefore can not be excluded by contract : for instance , a manufacturer might require a distributor or retailer to indemnify it against tortious product liability claims by consumers injured by the product .
2 M.Ps have no privilege protecting them against an arrest on criminal charges but they are protected against arrest in connection with a civil matter while parliament is in session and for 40 days before and after .
3 There would be a concern to clarify the confusion which exists as to the " right " and " proper " principles for the British constitution today and then there would be an attempt to secure them against repeal or amendment except by some specially prescribed procedure that would involve more than a simple majority in the House of Commons .
4 When I arrived on tie scene there appeared to be hundreds of people there , but a civilian — the works and bricks engineer seemed — to be the boss , and even the station commander was happily taking orders from him about filling sandbags and placing them on the Bund to strengthen it against the rising tide .
5 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
6 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
7 Finally his eye was caught by the billowing of Izzie 's blue dress , as the wind pressed it against her thin , flat-chested body .
8 Casting aside Pennzoil 's claims that it had no intention of launching a bid , Chevron moved into top gear to protect itself against a takeover which could be worth $35billion and would revive memories of some of the biggest corporate battles of the 1970 's and 80's .
9 And a light silhouetted her against the wall .
10 The April issue contained a letter from R.W. Salem describing his Regal Tang scratching itself against rocks and gulping air from the surface .
11 She could feel his hot weight pinning her against the mattress , her legs helplessly kicking out as he began remorselessly to stroke her silken side , bringing his hand slowly and repeatedly from shoulder to hip .
12 We slanted across the river , the wind carrying us against the current , and coasted up the far bank .
13 You must be quick to notice things around you ; you must decide in an instant whether to run or fight ; you must practise turning at speed to defend yourself against attacks from the side and behind .
14 So was it reasonable for the driver to step in and use his car to defend himself against a gang armed with lumps of concrete ?
15 The Kennel Club defend themselves against accusations that they do not do enough to curtail irresponsible breeding .
16 The March gale hurled itself against Mr Whittaker 's windows .
17 I followed them onto a narrow , crumbling ledge above the ravine where the wind hurled us against the wall .
18 That is , where the Berlin Secession defined itself against the Wilhelmine state , its Viennese counterpart defined itself against the bourgeois values of the Ringstrasse culture of the 1860s and 1870s .
19 ‘ As a matter of fact , Scott spent most of the first course warning me against you .
20 This finding warns us against concluding that women get into heroin and sustain regular use solely because of male associations and partnerships .
21 The sight of the boy turns me against myself , and all of you . ’
22 And our optional Payment Protector plan covers you against loss of income in the event of sickness , accident or compulsory redundancy ( subject to a few simple conditions ) .
23 I 'd like you to take a sample of the polish from Dr Darnell 's fingernails , and have the lab match it against the flake you found . ’
24 A unit of traditional authority survived indeed in the Church ; but that rather favoured the independent cities , for with few exceptions each had its own cathedral and its own bishop ; often its own patron saint to protect it against its neighbours .
25 It was his strength that he was never to lose that capacity to measure everything against his past — however much others might sneer at it .
26 In this new atmosphere the legislature displayed a determination to defend itself against executive encroachment , not seen for some years .
27 Religion is based on the longing for the father , and the infant 's wish for a protector to defend it against feelings of helplessness .
28 It 's an ill wind that blows nobody any good , thought Neil platitudinously , as a large bruiser pushed him against one of the pillars of the Haymarket Theatre — I might get my nose broken , but at least my virtue looks like remaining intact !
29 That is , where the Berlin Secession defined itself against the Wilhelmine state , its Viennese counterpart defined itself against the bourgeois values of the Ringstrasse culture of the 1860s and 1870s .
30 The cabinet ministers , parliamentarians and civil servants in London knew it only from its press image and inability to assert itself against mounting agitation .
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