Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of immunisation programmes as a means of preventing infection is determined according to the prevailing circumstances of a particular country and readers in countries other than the UK should supplement this section with relevant local information .
2 Having , say , opted for different income groups as the unit of analysis , a calculation along the following lines can be performed for each group :
3 If the lowering of serum cholesterol values was the result of tumour activity , obvious differences in serum cholesterol values as the tumours progressed from stage A to stage D , or as they become more de-differentiated would have been expected .
4 Nothing in the age of contentment has contributed so strongly to income inequality as the reduction of taxes on the rich ; nothing , as has been said , would so contribute to social tranquillity as some screams of anguish from the very affluent .
5 In April 1992 the IRA bomb in St Mary Axe which destroyed the Baltic Exchange and caused about £300m damage led to the preparation of contingency plans as a result of which the consequences of this April 's bomb in Bishopsgate were to some extent mitigated .
6 Budget deficit as a % of GDP 15% ( 1988 )
7 The two sides accepted the need to cut the budget deficit as a way of tackling inflation , to improve living standards and to reduce Poland 's $38-billion foreign debt .
8 Further , there was no automatic loss of rate support grant as a result of introducing the scheme .
9 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
10 For example a curriculum leader in a small primary school leads a small group to scrutinise a selection of pupils ' work from different year groups to examine progression and continuity and their relation to the National Curriculum a department in a secondary school reviews its curricular provision ; assesses the implications of the National Curriculum for that subject ; analyses policies and practice on pupil assessment ; analyses examination/test results ; reviews pupils ' written work to check on progression and continuity a team considers relations with parents and the wider community the head , a deputy or a senior teacher leads a working party on topics such as cross-curricular issues , curriculum provision as a whole , pupil attendance , school documentation the staff development or INSET co-ordinator leads a working party to review staff development , INSET provision and dissemination , teacher appraisal , care of probationer teachers ( DES 1989e:8 ) .
11 B Ltd would then pay up a dividend outside a group income election as a franked payment to A Ltd .
12 ‘ In this way , the centre is not treating the grant funding as a crutch , but is concentrating on making its training programmes more commercially attractive to customers . ’
13 For this reason it is usual to report an electronic absorption spectrum as a list of peak positions and extinction coefficients , or as a list of the extinction coefficients at various wavelengths .
14 Several studies have characterised the young social drug user as an adolescent who is alienated from school and who is more involved with peer group activities than activities centred around the home .
15 MOREOVER , individual examples of bias , such as the one I detected when Paddy Ashdown was allowed to get away with the ridiculous notion that he might do a deal with John Major just as easily as with Neil Kinnock , need to be balanced against the election coverage as a whole .
16 The government estimates that about 50,000 lone parents will come off income support as a result of the new scheme ( DSS , 1990a , para. 5.35 ) .
17 More than 300,000 more families are on income support as a result of the economic mismanagement and incompetence for which the Government and the Chancellor are responsible .
18 The former striker played under several big-name managers from the day he made his First Division debut as a raw teenager .
19 Colleges have also recognised the potential of HCIMA Certificate programmes as a means of helping the short term unemployed .
20 Few things are as instantly heart-stopping to a computer user as the time when his machine starts to behave erratically .
21 Let's see if he does , he comes Chapel now , to bowl to him and he hoicks that away on that leg side , that 's the area you 're gon na try and hit it , that 's four runs , anywhere near it , so making intentions plain , he 's going for that leg side boundary , that was a real power shot , hit with a spin , this is exactly the way he played at Hove , he got away with it there , he moves on to twelve , I think there 's going to be a field change as a result of that and quite rightly so .
22 The DNA in the complex is B form , with the central 10 base pairs as a straight 10.66-fold helix .
23 Both hulls were flooded , the water driving backwards and forwards across the saloon deck as the waves lifted first one hull , then the other .
24 On 26 July , Johnson Matthey Weighing Technology Department at Brimsdown was presented with the prestigious accreditation certificate award as a National Measurement Accreditation Service ( NAMAS ) approved Test House for the calibration of weighing equipment .
25 Nevertheless , the low sea level would have killed existing corals , which do not survive above low tide level as a rule , so that there ought to be discontinuities in the reefs , and , if those who believe in progressively lower interglacial sea levels are correct , the reefs should exhibit a terraced or stepped form .
26 Gregg Allmann has a brooding bit part as the all-purpose Mister Bad and , just for good measure , there 's a born-again bigot sheriff expecting the impossible from his cops .
27 alkali , calcium oxide as the base , calcium itself as the metal , calcium carbonate as the carbonate .
28 Cerene white frits are lead-free and do not contain zirconium silicate as the opacifying agent .
29 Deng 's developmentalist stance had not always endeared him to Mao , but had aligned him to some extent with Premier Zhou , who also saw overly radical , leftist policies as a threat to China 's economic and social development .
30 It will mean fewer but larger bands for the army , with the State bands of the Household Division and the Royal Artillery , strong tourism revenue earners described by the Defence Ministry as an essential part of the national fabric , again surviving .
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