Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The refusal of the ILP leaders to follow up " sympathetic affiliation " to the Comintern was endorsed at the York Conference of Easter 1934 by a four-to-one majority .
2 The basic equations for a single-mode ( unidirectional ) homogeneously broadened laser in a high-finesse cavity , tuned to resonance so that is = 8 = 0 , may be written as the real system Here x is a scaled electric field ( or Rabi frequency ) , and ( 7.3a ) arises in the single-mode limit of the Maxwell equation ( 7.2a ) : Yc , equal to c ( 1 , describes the decay of the cavity field due to mirror transmission , and C , the cooperativity parameter , is defined as is the small-signal absorption coefficient and the population inversion per atom due to the pumping processes ( in the dark ) .
3 Management of the Pearl is led by Eionion Holland , the executive chairman , and Nigel Proddow , the chief general manager , who have 36 years of experience each with the Pearl .
4 During the pregnancy certain problems may arise such as the decrease in income due to the loss of work or interference of exams , how difficult could it become , raising a child with little financial support ?
5 In 1963 , as now , the BBC did little in the way of in-house prop building due to the time and resources required for these highly specialised operations .
6 Now , the average age has plummeted , in great measure due to the efforts of this remarkable character .
7 This is in no small measure due to the out-of-school science activities of organizations such as the Royal Dublin Society and the Aer Lingus Young Scientists Exhibition and many dedicated teachers .
8 The reason why this rebellion was successful was in large measure due to the allegiance which the King was able to command from a people who were already bound together by a common language , system of law and form of government .
9 Does the Secretary of State agree that the number of railway accidents , which has increased recently , is in no small measure due to the under-investment in British Rail since the Tory Government placed restrictions on the railway system ?
10 Whilst the situation has improved greatly in the UK , in large measure due to the efforts of the British Library , Aslib , and the Standing Conference of National and University Libraries ( SCONUL ) , there are , regrettably , still some British universities which cling to restrictive practices with regard to the consultation and loan of theses .
11 He decided against a tram and turned towards the underground station at the Wittenberg Platz , a neo-classical building complete with the purity of doric capitals and pediment .
12 It could well lose this at the state election due in the autumn of 1994 .
13 I 'm afraid I 'm a bit weak on the forensic side . ’
14 I would say , ‘ Exploited and humiliated brothers of the West , did we really gain anything by placing the struggle against our just grievances in the hands of a merciless and megalomaniac Georgian with a moustache ? ’
15 This was in part due to a disability which was not realized .
16 It is therefore arguable that the tendency towards singular reference with the mixed-descriptions is at least in part due to a strong tendency for named characters to be used as thematic subjects or main characters in continuations , although there is a small first-mention effect .
17 This is in part due to the geography of the country ; isolated villages in mountains and plains , separate regions with different dialects , modes of dress , and styles of music .
18 The success of the expert system trial at the MU was in part due to the subject chosen , which involved an automatic test equipment that used logical testing in the first place .
19 Certainly the growth of the church has been in part due to the excellence of its leadership .
20 Some of these crops , at least that part due to the thegns , were collected in central granaries , the barley enclosures , or berwicks .
21 This is in no small part due to the potential of stained glass to transform ‘ that which is material to that which is immaterial ’ , according to the 12th century Abbot Suger , who is credited with building , near Paris , the first gothic structure .
22 The achieved aim was to destroy the dry-dock at St Nazaire , a success in no small part due to the bond between officers and men .
23 These inner conflicts are in part due to the person having ‘ id-impulses ’ which he or she has learned to see as wrong , and so has internalized prohibitions against acting on them .
24 The particularly high rate of loss of manufacturing jobs in the UK and the consequent problems for inner cities and manufacturing regions would therefore on this reading be in part due to the relatively fragile development of Fordism , which means that certain manufacturing industries had remained relatively backward and therefore less competitive .
25 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
26 This was in part due to the emergence of New Unionism which sought to organize unskilled workers .
27 I think that is in a large part due to the quality of the speech synthesizer , which is made by Speech Plus .
28 This is in part due to the fact that the program has an extremely intuitive use interface but it is also true that the program is essentially quite simple .
29 When he is criticised by later elite theorists such as Suzanne Keller for neglecting the relationship of elites to the moral order of society , or by Marxists for failing to analyse the specific material interests involved in the maintenance of their own power by elites. both these two gaps in his theory are at least in part due to the disproportionate attention given to non-logical factors , such as residues , to the detriment of factors , such as interest , associated with rationality or logic .
30 The fact that it was later more generally recognized is in part due to the attention which Roth 's scholarly and semi-popular writings attracted ; and the circumstances that his findings have not always survived the scrutiny of able younger scholars itself attests his own success in helping to put Jewish history on the academic map .
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