Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] bring down " in BNC.

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1 The ghosts of Bannockburn walked abroad , as Scotland 's rugby team brought down the much-fancied England XV at Murrayfield by 13–7 and scooped all the prizes from the five-nations international championship .
2 Plummer bellowed , watching gloomily as a body punch brought down his fighter 's guard and a thunderous uppercut lifted him off his feet and sent him crashing to the canvas .
3 The Oscar-winner 's shock decision brought down the curtain on a glittering 30-year screen career .
4 Newspaper attacks brought down two French prime ministers , Ferry in 1885 and Caillaux in 1911 , in both cases with considerable international repercussions .
5 Therefore we have a control mechanism to bring down blood-sugar level when it begins to reach unhealthy peaks .
6 liberalise air travel to bring down air fares in Europe closer to those in America ;
7 A check was done on the pH and a proprietary acid buffer was added to bring it down to 6.5 Softening resin was added in a box filter to bring down the hardness to 8°DGH .
8 In the mud banks which rise ten feet or so above the water 's edge , you can see the strata of silt deposits brought down each year by the river in the days before the High Dam .
9 Is it serious enough to bring down John Major in the way the Poll Tax brought down Margaret Thatcher ?
10 The High Commissioner 's Residency was flooded , his collection of pandanus mats sodden , his power lines brought down by falling trees .
11 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
12 With the massive expansion of mortgage lending and the subsequent use of interest rates to bring down inflation , the number of mortgages over 12 months in arrears rose from 59,690 in June 1991 to 91,740 by the end of the year .
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