Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 This study shows that the motor activity of the normal human oesophagus is not limited to contraction waves in response to swallowing , but that non-deglutitive motility patterns occur in almost all normal gullets .
2 Instead the guitar rules , and rock musicians flock in to share the vibe .
3 were these horse walks put in ?
4 The descent was nerve-racking and it reminded me of the slow , queasy way light planes come in to land in Himalayan valleys .
5 The engine is standard apart from an unleaded head conversion some 5,000 miles ago : i.e. valve seats cut in , new valves , oil seals , guides etc .
6 Most of the apartments face over the harbour and you can sit on your balcony and watch the fishing boats chug in and out of the harbour .
7 It must have been nearly 5 o'clock when , having finally got the cars across that ferry , we eventually drove into Martigues in dazzling late afternoon sunshine to see the fishing boats come in .
8 Putting things right , of course , is integral to quality improvement and this is where the corrective action teams come in .
9 Staff Club members dine in
10 They would have been invaluable to the inquiry — and to the crew , as book and movie offers pour in — but were lost when the wreck was smashed to pieces on the island 's rocks .
11 An important point is that these large-scale convection cells fit in with the dimensions of plates .
12 Phrasal verbs come in for more attention with Phrasal Verbs Organiser from LTP ( by the man who gave us the First Certificate Organiser ) , while HarperCollins is publishing a Phrasal Verbs Workbook to accompany its dictionary .
13 The drawcords on the fleece and the Merlin sleeping bag pull in freely and close tightly if required .
14 Virtually every sport England participate in they finish near last .
15 Small passage movements occur in both spring and autumn .
16 It makes one wonder how much longer its OEM customer , technology partner and minority shareholder Hewlett-Packard Co is going to wait before buying the company and putting it out of its misery — or is it going to stand aside and let Sequoia 's other major partner , Samsung Electronics Co , Seoul , South Korea nip in and snap it up under its nose ?
17 The stately whooper swans fly in from Iceland in late September or October , the timing probably depending on how soon the first winter frosts set in up north .
18 True enough , he lived in a caravan and travelled from town to town with the others in his travelling group but it was n't a garishly painted van like the ones old time gypsies occupied , just a normal common-or-garden caravan , the type people stay in on holiday , but that did n't make him a gypsy .
19 Not a pleasant task but the men get a bit browned-off sitting on their hunkers here , doing precious little but dig , and insecure grumbles to their wives and girl friends creep in from time to time .
20 AS THE END of the 1992 airshow season rapidly approaches , there are still a few events worthy of a visit before winter and the withdrawal symptoms set in !
21 We were told that in winter when the lake is frozen , a large part is kept ice-free by directing water from the town 's hot water supply , and even the wild whooper swans come in to take advantage of the food offered .
22 The stately whooper swans fly in from Iceland in late September or October , the timing probably depending on how soon the first winter frosts set in up north .
23 Flour beetles live in and feed on stored flour .
24 In the afternoon Mr Major told the Commons that those on low income ‘ will get the help from next April before the higher fuel bills come in .
25 In previous years the banks have been lined with marquees offering hospitality as riverside farmers cash in on the regatta … even though they have virtually nothing to do with it .
26 The Responsible Energy scheme , which will form part of the Responsible Care programme , follows the same principles as its parent scheme , in that chief executives and business or site managers fill in questionnaires which can then be used to assess improvement within the company in the area of energy conservation .
27 And how people who wear red go in in business situations go in to assert power you know I mean
28 the tax code come in , you know Joyce your tax code ?
29 The State regards itself as threatened by Counter-revolution ; its apparatus of power is theoreti cally entitled to employ all means at its disposal ; the great leader person ally authorises the use of force ( and who dares contradict him ? ) ; the army and security forces lumber in with a grotesque over-use of fire power — in this case including heli copters — and within minutes there are bodies in the streets .
30 When you want , anything in the linen line go in and have a look .
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