Example sentences of "[Wh pn] care for " in BNC.

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1 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
2 Let us give thanks for our homes and for our families , for the people who care for us and look after us and for all the comforts we enjoy .
3 We will support the organisations which help those who care for friends and relatives at home .
4 Were residential care facilities to evolve along these lines , life would be more fulfilling for mentally handicapped people and for the people who care for them .
5 All those of us who care for the future well-being of Europe will take comfort from the fact that Mr Lewis is now — how shall we put it ? — hardly the influence he once was .
6 Buying should be done with dignity by people who care for the breed .
7 Rather , attention must be directed to ensuring that doctors who care for the dying understand and use the medicines and techniques now available .
8 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
9 As children grow older they will become more consciously aware of the likes and dislikes of those who care for them .
10 Those who care for ‘ ordinary ’ old people learn much about the courage and competence which so many display ; they discover that it is their ordinariness which is remarkable — their determination to carry on with the daily business of life , often in the face of considerable difficulties .
11 Some government statements have come perilously close to saying ‘ we can not afford old people ’ and those who care for old people must not be diverted from a moral stand by economic filibustering .
12 Long before that stage is reached , however , questions about dependence trouble and puzzle many old people and those who care for them .
13 Although it is important to seek to understand the roots of sadism if one is to help the person to change , those who care for elderly people will be primarily concerned to protect them .
14 Social ambivalence towards old people plays a part in these somewhat muddled expectations from those who care for them .
15 A separate issue concerns whether adults who care for or teach children who have impaired language adopt appropriate forms of speech and styles of interaction in the light of a child 's specific difficulties .
16 The course is designed for any professional group who may be asked by parents for advice and help in managing infant behaviour problems at home and for residential professionals who care for infants .
17 Let him come home to people who care for him . ’
18 Runs a wide range of services for people with HIV/AIDS and those who care for them , including activities for women affected by HIV .
19 The study of Bell , McKee and Priestly ( 1983 ) indicates that maternal grandmothers commonly are the people who care for older children during the period immediately following the birth of a new baby , although sometimes sisters and sisters-in-law also help in this way .
20 Today we launch our campaign , as the Community Care Act causes more elderly people than ever to rely on the six million people who care for relatives at home .
21 Elderly people are systematically marginalised and elder abuse is an extreme example of our lack of concern for elderly people and those who care for them .
22 Fortunately , archaeology breeds rebels who care for nothing but ferreting out the truth .
23 Broadly speaking , the introduction of the home-responsibilities credit is a subsidy to those ( mainly , but not exclusively , women ) who care for the young , the sick or the old on a nearly full-time basis .
24 In the fourth of these lectures Freud , having already dealt with the importance of infant sexuality in relation to the body , turns to the emotional relationship between those who care for the baby and the child himself .
25 Many children , it was said , ‘ actually begin their downward course of crime by reason of the burglary and pickpocket scenes they have witnessed ’ : ‘ All who care for the moral well-being and education of the child will set their faces like flint against this new form of excitement . ’
26 7.1 Radical changes in the State Benefits system introduced through the Social Security Act 1986 have affected all claimants including dementia sufferers and those who care for them .
27 Support relatives and friends who care for people with physical disabilities .
28 Black men and white men who care for the country , and for their children 's future , are working at it .
29 " But there are people who care for me here too , Lou .
30 ‘ But you have someone who care for you ?
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