Example sentences of "[is] based upon " in BNC.

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1 It 's based upon an environment called Fresco , which has been developed by Professor Mark Linton , now principal researcher at Silicon Graphics Inc .
2 It 's based upon X-Windows 11 release 5 , and is binary compatible with Motif 1.1 applications , according to OSF .
3 Ultimately , the two variables of impinging stimulus and evoked sensation are internally rather than externally related ; for our estimate of the properties of the impinging stimulus — and the decision as to whether or not those properties ‘ justify ’ the sensation they give rise to — is based upon the norms of , necessarily subjective , experience .
4 The American Constitution is based upon the concept of liberty rather than strong , decisive government .
5 The Public Service Ideal is based upon the realization that the limited set of existing news sources are no longer pamphlets distributed in the market-place , they are the market-place itself ; no longer speakers in a public debate , but the platform on which that debate must take place .
6 The unsatisfactory state of the law resulting from the Infants ' Relief Act 1874 has now been remedied by the Minors ' Contracts Act 1987 , which is based upon recommendations of the Law Commission .
7 The British Nationality Act 1981 , which currently governs this topic , is based upon the aim , seen in many other countries , of making a person 's nationality or citizenship accord with the country with which he is most really connected .
8 This species of involuntary manslaughter is based upon constructive liability .
9 Not only do they agonize over which of their colleagues deserve which piece of ribbon , they are unafraid to set themselves in judgement upon those whose candidacy for an honour is based upon genuine distinction , perhaps in the arts or by voluntary work .
10 Turning the eye reveals a different view through the cubic grid ; the three point geometry is based upon a pyramid sliced from the corner of a cube .
11 The basic failure is perceived particularly acutely in the social welfare professions , and it is based upon a wide range of features such as the failure of some services actually to deliver the goods promised , failures of responsibility and neutrality , the loss of the service ideal and , in extreme cases , the disabling effects upon clients .
12 Much of the rhetoric surrounding motivation is based upon a number of misapprehensions , each of which may be answered :
13 There is a clear distinction between what might be termed ‘ lower order ’ needs and ‘ higher order ’ needs and the strength of the model is based upon one level becoming dominant as the subordinate need is satisfied .
14 The continuing separation between those who are interested in what people say about their experiences ( psychoanalysts , psychotherapists , counsellors , phenomenologists , novelists ) and those who pay attention only to what they do ( behaviourist psychologists , human ethologists ) is based upon important choices in research orientation related to conceptions of the social role and implications of the studies themselves .
15 In each vertebrate segment the ‘ reflex arc ’ is based upon two neurons : the afferent sensory root and the efferent motor root .
16 It must be admitted that a great deal of what Judaeo-Christianity has to say about the ‘ goodness ’ of God is based upon claims about the way in which He involves himself in the historical process .
17 Moreover , much of the moral imperative of Judaeo-Christianity , to love one 's enemies , to support the poor and so on , is based upon the idea that God got His own divine hands dirty by becoming associated with actions that promoted such principles .
18 This view is based upon a phrase which the Empress is supposed to have uttered ‘ It 's my pretty little war ’ , which in fact she never pronounced and which indeed was a newspaper invention appearing only in 1874 .
19 The idea that the superpowers are vital to the success of the peace process is based upon the influence they exert on the regional contestants , but in reality they have helped to perpetuate regional conflict and global competition in the area , with the encouragement of local clients .
20 The attempt to construct such a right was built upon a number of different grounds , perhaps the most important being the analogy with the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution which protects people from unreasonable search and seizure , the analogy being drawn presumably because the Fourth Amendment is based upon English common law , particularly Entick v. Carrington , where it was held that as a general rule search warrants may only be issued under the authority of a statute .
21 This is based upon the National Reporting Centre which operates from Scotland Yard .
22 Yet even here deference for old age is not universal or unconditional but is based upon personal achievements or the special knowledge and skills that the individual can offer .
23 This is based upon the belief that older people are treated with greater compassion now than ever before .
24 Slote 's method of predicting future use from past use is based upon analysis of the ‘ shelf time period ’ — i.e. the length of time a book remains upon the shelf between successive uses .
25 Although a breach of contract claim is based upon common law rights , remember that the Consolidation Act entitles you to minimum pay during your statutory notice period .
26 The curriculum content is based upon problems in differing areas of patient care , and nurses with specialist skills and experience are necessary to construct the curriculum and programme evaluation .
27 The dumping of low-level waste is based upon the principle that dilution and dispersal will eliminate hazards .
28 It is based upon two fundamental principles :
29 These differences arise from orthodox economics treating its subject matter as being a purely technical problem , whilst the Marxian approach is one that is based upon an analysis of class relationships .
30 The specific application of these stable , membrane-mimicking polymers is based upon recent studies of the role of natural phospholipids in haemostasis ( the arrest of bleeding ) and thrombosis .
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