Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] nt " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're not out to position Windows NT as a replacement for Unix . ’
2 Microsoft Corp is reportedly going to by-pass the formality of a press conference to announce Windows NT in two weeks .
3 It is hard to find much at Comdex and the companion Windows World show that is not NT-related this year , and Tivoli Systems Inc winged in from Austin , Texas to announce that it will develop a version of its product for NT , and brought along enough gear to demonstrate the Tivoli Management Environment for Windows NT in an early form : it says the product will make it easy for systems administrators to manage , configure , change , monitor , and enforce security of NT systems across large networks , and enable systems managers to manage Windows NT and Unix systems , as well as Windows and MS-DOS client machines , from a single , integrated systems-manager 's desktop ; it will start trickling out at the end of the year with a developer 's toolkit , and management applications will follow in early 1994 .
4 It says the product will make it easy for systems administrators to manage , configure , change , monitor , and enforce security of NT systems across large networks , and enable systems managers to manage Windows NT and Unix systems , as well as Windows and MS-DOS client machines , from a single , integrated systems-manager 's desktop .
5 IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp are apparently working together on a project to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
6 The fierce public rivalry between IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp begins to look like the posturing of all-in wrestlers that do it all for show : according to Computer Reseller News , IBM is quietly working with the Redmond dominator to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
7 An undisclosed part of IBM Corp 's settlement with Microsoft Corp gives IBM rights to put Windows NT on the RS/6000 , according to PC Week , and Microsoft is urging IBM to do so .
8 Meanwhile Microsoft Corp is waging its own spoiling campaign and is going around trying to persuade small software developers to do Windows NT ports first .
9 Digital Systems Development SA denied rumours of a deal with Microsoft Corp to distribute Windows NT and reaffirmed its commitment to Unix .
10 SGI is currently working with Microsoft Corp to enable Windows NT for the MIPS architecture — though SGI wo n't offer NT itself — and is also trying to win Gates as a customer for Irix' symmetric multi-processing technology , following Microsoft 's adoption of the GL library .
11 Designed for 80486- and Pentium-based machines , it is also designed to support Windows NT when it becomes available .
13 Oracle says it 'll refuse to support Windows NT if Microsoft bundles the Sybase Inc SQL Server in the first release of NT .
14 Designed for 80486- and Pentium-based machines , it is also designed to support Windows NT when it becomes available .
15 For Sparc , the weaknesses listed were not significant , except to say that Sparc is unlikely to support Windows NT .
16 Bill Gates says Microsoft Corp is looking to have Windows NT on all ‘ popular RISC platforms by 1995 , ’ including Sun Microsystems Inc 's Sparc , Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA RISC and IBM 's RS/6000s .
18 It also plans to offer Windows NT on workstations ‘ by 1995 ’ , a subject on which HP itself will not yet commit itself .
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