Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] justified " in BNC.

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1 Be on the look-out when Pelagianism sets in : ‘ Thou shalt be justified by good works ’ , by doing the vicar 's mall , by the way you read the lessons , by the work you do towards the Christmas bazaar !
2 By the 1980s a certain amount of international agreement had developed , suggesting that a country 's spending on research should be justified in primarily economic terms — in terms of the technical innovations which research could deliver to the economy .
3 If the risk of eating eggs being poisoned is extremely high , then we should be justified in rejecting eating them .
4 Propositions and conclusions should be justified , where necessary , from standard authorities in the field .
5 Labour 's defence spokesman David Clark said , any reductions should be justified on defence criteria , not on a passing whim of the treasury .
6 ‘ Attendance at external courses must be justified against training objectives or be seen to acquire for the county library some new or up-date skill/ knowledge/experience which would otherwise be a noticeable gap ’ .
7 It is arguable that the application of conduct of business rules must be justified on the grounds of the general good , to which the above criteria will apply .
8 But to see what this talk of the linguistic expression ‘ replacing ’ the natural expression really means we must consider , in order to reject , the prevalent notion that if someone says ‘ It hurts ’ or ‘ I 'm afraid ’ , and they are not lying , then what they say must be justified by some observation .
9 Therefore , it is thought , it must be justified by something else — an inner feeling of pain or fear .
10 It is a persistent misapprehension that the UK 1986 Act requires that a programme must be justified in terms of the weaker claim if it is to be approved by the Secretary of State .
11 A basic principle of the rule of law is that any interference with the liberty of the individual must be justified by law .
12 And that argument must be justified by appeal to our standards as well as his .
13 This does not necessarily mean that a diversity of penal aims is ruled out , but each of the different aims must be justified by the same general philosophy if our position is to be coherent .
14 they have stated that all use of animals must be justified and it very carefully policed by the Home Office , as well as locally .
15 ‘ Practice ’ need not be eschewed as part of higher education ; but its presence in the curriculum must be justified in terms of the opportunities it affords for the student 's critical reflection .
16 New developments must be justified on their own merits .
17 Any departure from the standard must be justified by the individual circumstances .
18 A defamatory statement of fact must be justified ( ie proved true ) — which is a much more onerous task than defending a defamatory comment on the basis that it was made honestly .
19 However he went on in an important passage to say that if contractual restrictions appear to be unnecessary or to be reasonably capable of enforcement in an oppressive manner then they must be justified before they can be enforced .
20 ‘ The three months of more uncertainty must be justified by an open and independent evaluation of the bids . ’
21 This means that if a ruler 's commands did not deserve obedience , resistance to them might be justified .
22 This might be justified as a means of signalling the connection between drunken driving and fatal accidents .
23 The wine intake might be justified by the mass communions in St Peter 's , he suggested .
24 Inquisitorial methods , for example , might be justified on those grounds .
25 If they do not express the concept of multiple points of view in a way familiar to those schooled in western ways , we might be justified in exposing the limitations of their expressions and of the thought system within which they operate , but this would not tell us anything about the individuals or groups themselves as thinkers .
26 Finally , some fresh methods by which managerial power might be justified will be explored .
27 Moreover , while restrictive licence conditions which might be justified under the present quota system might lose their justification if that system developed into a more integrated system for the management of fishery sources , the same would not be the case with restrictions on the registration of vessels .
28 What follows is an examination of each with examples of how each might be justified .
29 In some ways , she might be justified in using that argument .
30 Certainly , we might be justified in assuming that whatever kind of superego a person had it might have some controlling , drive-inhibiting aspects , and consequently that anarchy , which is equivalent to a more or less complete absence of controls , is an unlikely outcome .
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