Example sentences of "[vb base] to go through " in BNC.

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1 An' I mean to go through with it , we both mean to go through with it .
2 An' I mean to go through with it , we both mean to go through with it .
3 I want to go through there anyway . ’
4 I want to go through in chronological order , so I turn to the back of the stack and find the lowest deposit , the first record of the new Unit .
5 I want to go through
6 Right I propose to go through and go through one of our Green .
7 But in practice , few people bother to go through with this .
8 But the defiant manager is looking beyond the crisis , saying : ‘ I expect to go through .
9 The agony that others seem to go through as they try to balance the contrasting facets of their lives leaves Sustad largely unaffected .
10 She looked right at O and Boy when she said this and it was as if she was trying to scare them in particular , even as if she was trying to frighten them away from each other , as if she was saying , to them , and to all of us , this is what you have to go through , right ?
11 When you think of what birds have to go through — shooters , hunters , in Malta , Spain , Italy and Cyprus — I 'm stunned that anything survives with cats around as well . ’
12 Most litigants have very little interest in the very technical procedural hoops which they have to go through — they are simply interested in the result .
13 It makes me feel guilty , knowing what some people have to go through to earn a living . ’
14 ‘ The next generation which has grown up over here and understands what their children have to go through will handle them much , much better , ’ Cecil Williams speculated .
15 The sort of abasement novices have to go through before they are admitted to an order .
16 Erm personally , er on the nuclear er atomic side , we we 're very involved with our own company , with B N F L at Sellafield , with the er manufacture of the precast concrete and , and I know what it means in terms of the , the safety incurred in in , in the design because it is quite erm er strenuous the things we have to go through .
17 ‘ Whenever we employ somebody , there are formalities we have to go through .
18 The third and final stage that you have to go through before you can even begin to decide what electronic publishing system ( or systems ) will be suitable is that of discovering the skills that your staff possess .
19 dates and they ca n't say what 's going to happens they have to go through , sift the evidence , arrange it all in a certain order ,
20 As we know , the whole indignity that women have to go through for these examinations is , of necessity , I am afraid , an unpleasant experience .
21 Whatever we need to go through to continue to do that — raising money , training new volunteers , finding more efficient ways of managing our information and our office , contributing to public debate on the state of lesbian and gay rights — I hope we have the sense and the energy to endure .
22 Dramatic play is an important stage which people need to go through to build up their commitment to the work , but do n't expect learning to take place without teacher intervention .
23 erm you know kind of er call that a first draft and then sort , you know , sort of try and sort of go through the books again and stick a few references in to back up the points you 've made so you can see it relates to other people 's evidence erm trying to go through it again and knock out the well you know what I mean kind of statements and , and , you know , you can gradually sort of make the er grad you know sort of but again it 's , it 's , it 's one of these processes that I find , you know , you need to go through again and again and again to sort of get it er get it together erm so erm
24 In other words you agree with the customer , right , now take my words , you wan na think it over , right , we 're not prepared to give you a decision tonight , eh , now I 'd say something like , well that 's understandable , and we 've gone through as many things and debt this evening as we probably need to go through , do n't you agree ?
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