Example sentences of "[vb past] warned him " in BNC.

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1 The second agency had warned him he was entering into a contract by giving his credit card number .
2 She had warned him to be wary of the coarse and petty jealousies of common people .
3 He had auditioned on his own stubborn initiative , although people had warned him that because of his colour he was wasting his time .
4 His father had warned him of what might happen , but not about how he would feel .
5 Buckmaster had warned him there would be no question of paying his fare .
6 The doctor had dismissed his troubles airily , diagnosing ‘ Dotty 's Collywobbles ’ , a fairly common Lulling complaint , and had warned him about accepting further hospitality at that lady 's hands .
7 She had warned him beforehand that she could n't sing , he recalled .
8 After all it had been Bliss who had warned him that Nadirpur was embroiled with the Pessarane Behesht , Bliss who had informed him that the real cargo was arms .
9 Despite Mozart 's unkind comments on the failing vocal powers of the ageing Mannheim tenor Raaff , some instinct had warned him to keep on friendly terms with the singer , for whom he had written an aria on the way back from Paris .
10 He sent news home to Spain , demanding reinforcements of 1,000 men — the number the cacique had warned him would be required to defeat such forces of hostile Indians along the way .
11 He had already admired Animal Farm which , as he tells in his diary ( 31 August 1945 ) , he read promptly on its first appearance to spite his cousin Claud Cockburn , who as a loyal Communist Party man had warned him against reading Trotskyite literature .
12 would allow Erlich into their tower block , Ruane had warned him in advance .
13 Nothing happened at first , but Peccable had warned him the Bowls usually took some time to start from cold .
14 ‘ I do n't think anyone had warned him about how overwhelming that feeling of love can be . ’
15 His instinct for self preservation had warned him of her move long before she had made it .
16 And as his mother had warned him , Rose refused .
17 ‘ But you 'll not be there that often , ’ Karr had warned him .
18 He would be the one Rostov had warned him to be wary of .
19 On the way in from the airport , Hurley had warned him that the back bedroom was full of electronic gear that nobody knew how to use .
20 Paul Lane had warned him that Phyllis liked to play things her own way , and now it looked as though she did indeed .
21 After all , no one had warned him , ’ continued the tall fat soutane to the small fat soutane .
22 By the Saints , Matilda herself had warned him !
23 His doctor had warned him about his heart .
24 Matthew Ryan says his girlfriend had warned him there would be a few people to greet him but nothing like this .
25 And even Crown Prince Rupprecht , far removed from Verdun , had warned him days before the offensive began that the advance would be halted by flanking fire from the Left Bank .
26 Last night , Mr Atkinson said doctors had warned him they might need to operate .
27 He often thought of what his auntie had warned him about , and often said things like
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