Example sentences of "[noun prp] throw herself " in BNC.

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1 Bernice threw herself recklessly forward , knocking him over and then back .
2 Bernice threw herself at another of the creatures .
3 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
4 Donna threw herself clear of Benton 's groping hands .
5 Jessica threw herself onto the floor on top of him , and put her tongue into his open mouth and kissed him till he smothered , rubbing her wet vagina hard onto his knee and thigh .
6 ‘ It 's out of the question , ’ he responded harshly , but Melanie threw herself against him .
7 With a little cry , Cora-Beth threw herself back into his arms .
8 Helplessly , Harry stood silent as Cora-Beth threw herself into her father 's arms .
9 Jumping off , Perdita threw herself into Dancer 's arms , hugged the twins , and then turned more shyly to Ricky .
10 Jezrael threw herself to her knees beside him , not daring to touch his rag-doll body .
11 Returning to the main cavern at a dead run , Ace threw herself to the side as a cluster of boxes not far off exploded with a sharp blast , hurling several of the defenders into he oily waters .
12 Stray shots buzzing all around , Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags , just as her ammunition ran out .
13 Gabriel threw herself towards him .
14 Claudia threw herself into the rehearsal for the show , trying to conquer her nerves by sheer will-power .
15 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
16 Leila threw herself on Quincx , gabbling about what happened .
17 At about two o'clock there was an explosion so close that Anne threw herself across her mother to protect her .
18 When he stopped the car on the way home Sally threw herself at him .
19 After giving up her interior decoration business two years ago , Sally threw herself into the couple 's current venture , Harry Hares , a brasserie in Cirencester specialising in English food .
20 Kate throws herself into her delusion that her son will come back ; Joe heartily espouses being realistic and burying the dead .
21 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
22 Filled with a restless , fevered energy that set every nerve twangling and pumped her blood full of adrenalin , Evelyn threw herself into her work as if the sheer force of her will could drive the hands of the clock round more swiftly .
23 Robyn threw herself enthusiastically into the struggle , on the radical side naturally .
24 Now Robyn threw herself into her work , staying up late into the night , as she had done in the early days of setting up her business , working with feverish persistence to complete a design .
25 He fired twice and Julie threw herself down as bullets ploughed into the kitchen table .
26 Count Leo Tolstoy , whose tragic heroine Anna Karenina threw herself under a train , himself died in 1910 at the remote Russian country station of Astapovo .
27 Sister Bell threw herself over the body of the child , the repetitive tap of the bullets told us were we being especially dive-bombed , and shot up .
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