Example sentences of "[adv] accurately as " in BNC.

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1 As John Hamilton said , ‘ It was imperative to estimate extremely accurately as the materials and labour had to be quantified in the original bid .
2 Looking at the fossil animal itself , the first necessity is to reconstruct it as accurately as possible from its fragmentary remains .
3 Of course , his lordship and his colleagues were concerned to brief each other as accurately as possible on each one of the expected participants ; but overwhelmingly , their concerns centred on a single figure — that of M. Dupont , the French gentleman — and on his likely sympathies and antipathies .
4 It is important to observe behaviour as accurately as possible because the more accurate the observation the more this helps you to place a valid interpretation on what you have seen or heard .
5 The Prior questioned him closely and Corbett answered as accurately as he could .
6 Describe and quantify each group as accurately as you are able .
7 The aim is for the parents to fill them in as accurately as possible , so they should be simple to fill in and placed in an easily accessible place in the home .
8 This involves a number of areas , such as costing jobs as accurately as possible in terms of time and resources , and identifying any inherent contradictions and incompatibilities within the set of demands .
9 As with stone throwers you must do this without measuring the distance to your target , so you must guess the range as accurately as you can .
10 As with stone throwers , you must do this without measuring , guessing the range as accurately as you can .
11 At the BBC , we try to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible , particularly in wildlife where we go to great lengths to find the right noises to fit the locations and species .
12 If it is accepted that representative or indirect democracy is at best an inadequate substitute for personal participation , and that everything possible should be done to ensure that the views and wishes of the people are represented as accurately as possible within such a system , it must surely follow that representation should be in proportion to the weight of opinion in the society itself .
13 We are endeavouring to measure as accurately as possible the position and momentum of an electron .
14 One might be tempted to argue that the photon is absorbed by the microscope and that by measuring the latter 's consequent recoil , due to acquiring the photon 's momentum after its collision with the electron , we could evaluate this momentum as accurately as we wished .
15 Only hummingbirds with curved bills can drink from them and their beaks fit into them as accurately as a curved dagger sliding into its scabbard .
16 Living in San'a , I was initially engrossed in the visual aspects of the architecture , but as I became involved with the Yemeni families , I started to record as accurately as possible all aspects of the traditional San'a culture that was rapidly being swallowed up by Western influence .
17 They need to do this for a number of reasons , which include : * identifying the characteristics and attributes of customers and market segments ; * developing and positioning products and services which are appropriate to customer needs and purchasing patterns ; * maximising sales penetration potential through distribution and retail channels ; * focusing the most cost-effective promotional activity ( advertising , exhibitions , sponsorship etc ) as accurately as possible on target market segments .
18 As the aim of investigating terraces is to determine as accurately as possible former base levels , the back of marine terraces ( E on Fig. 9.18 ) should be measured as this approximates to the former high tide level , but the front of river terraces ( F on Fig. 9.18 ) is the closest approximation to the level of the centre of the old valley floor which was graded to high tide level .
19 In your language learning always pay attention to the rhythm and try to mimic the language helper as accurately as you can .
20 A fundamental database concept is that data should " model the real world " as accurately as possible .
21 Most drives only allow a five degree variation from the horizontal or vertical plane so make sure that your drive is mounted as accurately as possible .
22 The aim is to develop new statistical methods which will predict the behaviour of future subjects as accurately as possible .
23 The main aim of both these types of surveys was to effect , as accurately as possible , a description of the social structure or , in the case of the attitude survey , the current state of public opinion .
24 Facts were to do with the material conditions of life described as precisely as possible and counted as accurately as possible .
25 When workload and revenue have been predicted as accurately as needed to meet objectives , all costs associated with projects must be defined .
26 His local knowledge proved indispensable when he was a firefighter because he could guide his colleagues to the scene of a ‘ shout ’ as accurately as he could deliver a letter .
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