Example sentences of "[adv] arguing [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The bar was crowded with men coming off shift from the electronics factory all arguing heatedly about a disputed penalty in a soccer match being shown on a T.V. set above the counter , the fact that the match had taken place two months before in no way diminishing the fervour of the argument .
2 He added somewhat forlornly : ‘ The Maharajahs are always arguing over very little things . ’
3 I was still arguing childishly against myself when I heard a little noise at the door .
4 The Greens were still arguing over whether the time had come to loosen principle a little and elect a leader , a public face , perhaps Sara Parkin , the International Liaison Secretary of the UK Greens as well as the European Greens ' co-ordination co-secretary .
5 It comes as a surprise to most people to learn that the experts are still arguing over something as basic as how a cat purrs .
6 Icemen , possibly a hunter who died during a snow storm , has been hailed as a historic find , but because he was found so near the border between Austria and Italy , politicians are still arguing over who owns him .
7 But the government is still arguing furiously about how to recoup the HK$1.3 billion ( $168m ) that the colony 's new chemical-waste treatment plant cost to build and the HK$100m-300m a year that the plant will cost to run .
8 ‘ They 're still arguing today , would you believe it ? ’ she said to Phoebe , accepting a dish of tea and making a whirlpool with her teaspoon .
9 They both jumped down from the lorry , they were still arguing loudly .
10 The Keraing , however , had put the wheels in motion , and while Sinar Surya was being prepared for the sea , and the pirates were still arguing about where she might go , and with whom , Lorne and I spent the following weeks suppressing our impatience by exploring our surroundings .
11 Meanwhile , the general point stands that Behaviouralists , for all their dramatic talk of a ‘ Behavioural Revolution ’ , were really arguing only about method within a basic theoretical approach shared with Realism .
12 Dean made no secret of his hatred for his director , often arguing violently and calling Stevens every name under the hot Texan sun .
13 ‘ Caroline and I were simply arguing over an appropriate bedtime for you . ’
14 Also , portraits of individual children are far more common in the eighteenth century than in the seventeenth , again arguing both for a change in fashionable attitudes , and also , may be , for a greater emotional investment in children by parents .
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