Example sentences of "[adv] hanging [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 She had been a top model — her legs alone were insured for a five figure sum and he had enough hanging on him to bankrupt a smaller company .
2 ‘ I remember one who was literally hanging on by his fingertips when we arrived , but we 've always got them up in the end . ’
3 We spent another night in ropey tents literally hanging on .
4 The gossip was that the farmer who owned the land was merely hanging on till the price came up to his requirements , then some builder would carve out of the hillside a super executive-type estate , with views for fifteen miles and mortgages for fifty years .
5 Schellenberg , who felt that he was only hanging on to his sanity by his fingernails , said , ‘ But , Reichsführer , what if Devlin does n't wish to be persuaded ? ’
6 The number plate 's only hanging on by one screw .
7 The uniformed copper on the door told me he was only hanging about until he got the word on his ‘ talking brooch ’ radio that the forensic boys had n't forgotten anything and would n't need to come back .
8 Seated on top of it was a fluffy white dog , its red tongue grotesquely hanging out , its head lolling to the side .
9 The rope , however , was no longer hanging down through the hole in the ceiling .
10 He was only gone a minute , and when he returned , it was with a couple in their fifties who were holding hands as if they were desperately hanging on to reality .
11 Big stars and a Father Christmas and reindeer and it 's all so bright just hanging over my head and stretching all down the road like a tunnel of hot colour all hanging in the sky so beautiful and magic .
12 She certainly wo n't be happy if she thinks you 're just hanging around down here and not getting anywhere .
13 She said the immense pressure she had been under took its toll and at times she was so emotionally and physically exhausted she was ‘ just hanging on by my fingernails ’ .
14 But he said : ‘ We are a clear second in the table — and not just hanging on by goal difference .
15 Her fury with the diabolical man nearly went into orbit , though , when , once more pinning his dark-eyed look on her , he drawled , ‘ Just hanging on to him while he 's good for the rent , is that it ? ’ and , having made up his mind to that , seemed not to require an answer .
16 THERE was much early enthusiasm from both sides in this senior friendly at Hamilton Park with visitors Portadown just hanging on for a narrow victory .
17 Q : Have you ever considered just hanging up the business ?
18 Apart from given you a B yeah on why it 's just hanging in , must try a lot lot harder , gives me a B and then erm someone gave me a C someone gave me a C and said oh yeah gave me a C yeah
19 I was talking to this other lad across the road — we were due to go off duty at two and we were just hanging about before making our way down to the station — there was no relief for us on that shift .
20 but it 's just hanging about somewhere .
21 I spent a lot of time listening to records and just hanging out with friends .
22 We 'd drive to different towns around Toronto — road trips , you know , just hanging out and listening to tunes in the car , drumming on the dashboard .
23 The on-stage arguments and bust-ups practically became a feature of the show , with Daltrey almost permanently poised to quit , but somehow hanging on .
24 Pendant lights , usually hanging on their own flex from a ceiling rose , are the most common form of general tungsten lighting — ideally , there should n't be just one light in the centre of a room , but two or more around the room , including over any table .
25 It was like hanging on to a wriggly eel .
26 We went swimming with Jonathan the other night and he got up on the top board and sort of and he was sort of like hanging on to the bar like this looking over
27 Constance has got a skirt like that and her boobs are just like hanging out !
28 Moreover , as the joker in the pack , the only person without a partner , I was a subject of general interest , and to make matters still worse , Lynn Carter had conceived a pallid intellectual crush on me and was always hanging around trying to engage me in conversation .
29 But the old bat was always hanging around — and then the next thing I knew she was telling me you 'd signed the lease .
30 He was always hanging around near the entrance of the school .
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