Example sentences of "[pers pn] approach the " in BNC.

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1 So I talk to mine every time I approach the hutch .
2 Mine become so tame that they climb up the inside of the wire mesh when I approach the hutch and are clearly pleased to see me .
3 I have a sensation of heat as I approach the fire ; but when I approach the same fire too closely , I have a sensation of pain ; so there is nothing to convince me that something in the fire resembles heat , any more than the pain ; it is just that there must be something in it ( whatever this may turn out to be ) that produces the sensations of heat or pain .
4 I have a sensation of heat as I approach the fire ; but when I approach the same fire too closely , I have a sensation of pain ; so there is nothing to convince me that something in the fire resembles heat , any more than the pain ; it is just that there must be something in it ( whatever this may turn out to be ) that produces the sensations of heat or pain .
5 I approach the matter as follows .
6 I approach the case , therefore , on the footing that , in looking after the child , the mother is only doing what she is legally bound to do .
7 As I approach the flats I do n't try to hide myself .
8 So I toss the gun to the Jamaican , and I approach the muscle with my hands in my pockets .
9 I approach the topic through humour .
10 The right hon. Gentleman and I approach the problem from somewhat different angles , but I do not disagree with his conclusion .
11 I hope that I approach the debate with due humility , given that my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House and two former Leaders of the House have contributed to it .
12 The bell rings and as I approach the front door I can see Mrs Marsh through the frosted glass .
13 It is sometimes highlighted by using different coloured mats and its purpose is to alert you when you approach the mat boundary .
14 As you approach the time of competition , begin ‘ interval training ’ in your aerobic band by working very hard to raise the pulse rate almost into the anaerobic threshold , then easing up to drop the pulse rate down into the lower third of the band .
15 You approach the reception desk : ‘ Where can I go for breakfast ? ’ you ask .
16 You approach the park down a long avenue , past lawns carefully tended and set in a girdle of trees .
17 Then , as you approach the south , everything changes ; you 'll become aware of the increasing heat and notice the sunblasted mountains , long hot sandy beaches and lively , modern resorts .
18 As you approach the water put the board in deep enough not to rip the skeg out and push the board a little further out using one hand on the mast .
19 If you approach the village from the north , however , along the D9 or D33 , you see that at the northern edge of the village , the vineyards bank up on both sides to form a hollow where the vines dip down to 120 metres , giving east and west-facing exposures on either side .
20 Take the first turning left for Bouzy and look at the formation of vines on your right as you approach the village .
21 Remember , before you approach the council , that they may be more than interested in the quantities of water necessary to run your ponds … you may end up with the officials knocking at your door .
22 As you approach the end of your second week do n't even think about cheating !
23 As you approach the cave , you notice that someone is there .
24 As you approach the Peak District National Park from the west across the monotonous Cheshire Plain , past the star-probing Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope , a small blimp on the horizon gradually takes on the classic , pyramidal mountain shape — a sort of mini Mount Fuji .
25 As you approach the summit of the hill there are various plant species to look out for .
26 A different story emerges if you approach the two sides — Hummingbird maintains that X-terminals will soon be obsolete , that PCs are cheaper ( especially for colour ) and more functional , offering access to PC applications as well .
27 Dealing with the feelings you have , about not having the child you wanted , is not easy but your distress will be less if you approach the situation as a loving couple .
28 Well as you approach the site from D er from north on the A Nineteen , you can catch glimpses of and also of the houses to the south of Church Lane ,
29 You 're listening as you approach the bathroom door .
30 You are arriving home — or think you are — and as you approach the garage you try to work your routine magic .
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