Example sentences of "[pers pn] accept the " in BNC.

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1 But I accept the referee 's decision . ’
2 SIR — Although like most MPs I accept the principle that a majority of one is enough , I find it difficult to explain to my Southend Conservative supporters who have phoned me why your paper takes the view that there was a 4.43 per cent swing from Conservative to Labour in our constituency .
3 I can not accept that I should adopt a live-and-let-live neutral attitude to hawks and pigeons even though I accept the fact that we share very similar body mechanisms and an identical world .
4 Next thing I knew he was at the door , insisting that I accept the invitation and asking me if I was prepared to make another documentary with him !
5 I do not know if Gibson Keddie was serious when he invited users of 30 watt bass combos to write to him ( review of the Carlsbro bass combos in the June edition of Guitarist ) , but I accept the invitation .
6 I accept the reality .
7 I accept the power of this present moment .
8 I accept the recommendation that the licences should not be revoked , but if it becomes public knowledge that the tools are to be used to make munitions , deliveries would have to stop at once .
9 I accept the fresco , not as something which gives emphasis to the wall , but , on the contrary , as a means to destroy the wall violently , to remove any notion of its stability , weight , etc .
10 I accept Michelangelo 's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel , which destroys the wall ; and I accept the Sistine Chapel 's ceiling as well , which completely distorts the very notion of ceiling .
11 I accept the point your raising on this if it was open in the evenings that would be an added hance to the building unfortunately it is n't yes I think your absolutely right .
12 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
13 I accept the submission for the ombudsman .
14 I accept the evidence of her boyfriend in that regard .
15 I accept the judgement of my fellow officers and , before I die , beg their forgiveness for having shamed them before the T'ang . ’
16 The argument is , and I accept the fact , that bowlers probably prefer their keepers standing back taking catches rather than looking for rare leg-side stumping opportunities . ’
17 Well , that 's a form of flattery — I accept the compliment .
18 So I accept the point that , that Lynn made , but I feel that it 's a , somebody 's eventually going to fall into that water .
19 But I accept the point fully and that you should include any
20 ‘ True , I accept the legions of hell are all around us .
21 I accept the point Bill about the error in respect of pensions .
22 I accept the challenge ! ’
23 On behalf of the Inland Revenue , not always the best loved department of Government , I accept the kind compliments that my hon. Friend has paid to it ; I am sure that they will be echoed in all parts of the House .
24 I accept the need for secrecy in the matter .
25 I accept the valuable role played by the Minister , but does he accept that , although sponsorship is valuable , even more important is the fact that institutions such as the Royal Opera House can not go much further in the sponsorship race and will require funding ?
26 Although I accept the necessity to improve traffic flows and safety on the M25 , may I ask my hon. Friend to take into account environmental considerations such as the need to keep noise down to a minimum ?
27 We are told that there are procedures — and I accept the need for them — but when the matter goes to the local council 's planning department , it is argued that there are strong grounds for allowing the application .
28 Before I accept the Secretary of State 's olive branch and damn my political career in front of my colleagues on the Opposition Front Bench , will he clarify at an early stage in the Standing Committee the position about nurses in Wales , England , Scotland and Northern Ireland who take courses and then return to their own districts ?
29 I accept the correction .
30 If the Conservative party wins a general election , I am upset and I do n't like it , but I am willing to accept the result because I accept the verdict of the people .
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