Example sentences of "[pers pn] throw herself " in BNC.

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1 Yeats watched , with an appalled fascination , as she threw herself into ‘ a joyous and self-forgetting condition of political hate ’ .
2 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
3 She smiled and winked at Marco — all this in an instant after the flare exploded and before she threw herself down , arms and legs spread wide , at the shrieking Perks below .
4 On one occasion she threw herself against a glass display cabinet at Kensington Palace while on another she slashed at her wrists with a razor blade .
5 She threw herself into his arms , sighing deeply when he half-heartedly returned her embrace .
6 She threw herself backwards on to the wooden desk , and swung her legs high above her .
7 She threw herself down on the sofa , and slept .
8 Her voice ended in a shrill scream , as she threw herself back on the table and flung open her legs .
9 She threw herself down on the bed and started crying wildly .
10 In the shop , in the dimness , she threw herself into Nick 's arms and kissed him .
11 She danced on , oblivious , then he must have said something , and she danced seductively , fluidly , to the edge of the roof , hips moving slow , a big smile on her face as she looked down at Lewis , then she threw herself off the roof .
12 With her ears ringing from the massive blast of the weapon she threw herself down and crawled across to the wall by the front door , able to see back through the sitting-room to the kitchen .
13 She threw herself down at her desk and read Nicola 's note through yet again , the sparkle of excitement in her eyes .
14 She threw herself into the literary and social life of Cambridge .
15 Accepting enthusiastically the school 's principles of unsectarianism , coeducation up to the age of eleven , mixing middle- and artisan-class children , and making lessons short and pleasurable , she threw herself wholeheartedly into the teaching until forced to resign through ill health .
16 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
17 And so she threw herself at him , leaping for his throat , a tall , strong , totally desperate girl with nothing whatsoever to lose , who would have been hard for any man to handle , even a man as powerful and totally unchivalrous as Christie Goldsborough , had he not been ready for her .
18 Then she threw herself on to the bed and stuck the pillow over her head , biting her teeth together , absolutely determined not to cry .
19 She threw herself into his arms at every opportunity , and like a gentleman he kissed her back .
20 Ryan 's eyes seemed to bulge even as she watched , and she threw herself frantically towards them .
21 She threw herself off the bed and hauled the first outfit that came to hand from the wardrobe .
22 She threw herself angrily down on to the bed , furious at the predicament into which Jason had pitchforked her .
23 But the corridor remained silent , and with a sob of despair she threw herself on to the bed and cried till her store of tears was used up .
24 Needing no further urging , she threw herself into his arms and he carried her upstairs .
25 With a sigh , rather than a cry , she threw herself into the water and felt peace .
26 ‘ Some charm , ’ she muttered as she threw herself down on the bed .
27 She threw herself into her work harder than ever , doing anything that was asked of her , from pinning hems to sweeping the design-room floor to helping the showroom models with their make-up , and all the while she counted the days until she could leave this city and go back to New York , where she belonged .
28 She threw herself out and was killed , and is supposed to haunt the little lan which runs alongside .
29 Emily Davison died when she threw herself under the King 's horse during the 1913 Derby .
30 As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out .
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