Example sentences of "[noun pl] resort to " in BNC.

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1 When journalists resort to this sort of thing you can be sure that the facts are drab in the extreme , and believe me , they do n't come much drabber than our Bargain Weekend Break at the Elan Valley Lodge .
2 The debates take on an almost sacramental nature as speakers resort to the most basic metaphors of reproduction and renewal in a search for the rites of an inner city spring ( Goldberg , 1990 ) .
3 Politicians of all parties resort to dubious statistical assertions .
4 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
5 Enterprising officials resort to all sorts of tricks to obtain unusual books to sell or exchange for foreign rarities .
6 Whilst most writers resort to some form of categorization of responses , there is a general emphasis , underlined by Kaelin , that , whilst such structuring may be useful for learning or communication , its value is transitory and it should be readily discarded in favour of the unity of the aesthetic experience itself .
7 In what context did abolitionists resort to the convention ?
8 This centres on Bachrach and Baratz 's suggestion that public bodies resort to appeals to ‘ symbolic normative values ’ to foist off challenges to their own values .
9 Given the paucity of aggregate savings and the narrow base for taxation , most governments in LDCs resort to budgetary deficits , financed through the printing of money , as a means of speeding up the process of economic development .
10 In these cases some psychiatrists resort to the description ‘ schizoaffective ’ which , although itself an old term , is now often used in recognition of the fact that the traditional categories of schizophrenia and affective psychosis really only represent varieties of insanity as they occur in their pure forms .
11 Members resort to IVAs
12 What might be called ‘ external ’ interpretation or construction was the subject of Section 2 : jurists resort to construction , when there is evidently an intention on the part of a testator to achieve some object by means of some legal institution , in order to embody that intention in a legal framework .
13 Similarly young children resort to screaming because they can not use words to describe what they want .
14 Many officials believed that ‘ as a rule , men of inferior or no education and of low morals resort to petition-drawing as a means of livelihood . ’
15 Extremists on both sides resort to violence .
16 Even higher organisms resort to fermentation as an auxiliary process when the oxygen supply is insufficient .
17 When you see them as grown-ups who 'd rather not grow any more , you realise that even their clothes resort to childhood in the face of responsibility and decision .
18 Is it any wonder that more and more women resort to wearing jeans and anoraks ?
19 Why should women resort to such devious tactics ?
20 Perhaps the commonest explanation of the patterns which emerge from a stratificational analysis is that in the absence of opportunities to mark status by occupation , women resort to language .
21 Others resort to theft , and the locals report that nothing is safe .
22 Finding out about test-tube fusion quickly becomes a cloak and dagger venture as desperate scientists and others resort to spying to find out the secrets in the Utah lab .
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