Example sentences of "[am/are] valued at " in BNC.

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1 The paintings can sometimes be offered at knock-down prices , given what they 're valued at .
2 The US , Portuguese and Shell Electric subsidiary repurchases are valued at £10.8million .
3 The contents of Mr Maxwell Chelsea home are valued at £160,000 , although half belong to his wife Pandora , while the French furniture is valued at £10,000 .
4 This was very upsetting to Kaz since the canoes are valued at $1,000.00 .
5 The state highways are valued at NZ$8.8bn gross , less NZ$1.8bn straight-line depreciation , NZ$7bn net .
6 Current asset investments are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value , although for transferable securities held as current assets the higher of cost and market value may be adopted .
7 Today , Amstrad shares have dropped from their peak of £2.34 to just 28p — less than half what its assets are valued at .
8 The preference shares are valued at £1 , and rose 39 pence to 98 pence .
9 Microgen Holdings Plc is moving into Norway : its Capella AB Swedish subsidiary is paying the equivalent of £1.14m , £950,000 of it upfront , the rest after 12 months , for the computer output microfilm business of EDB A/S : the business has annual turnover running at about £2.85m , and assets are valued at £76,000 .
10 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
11 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
12 Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
13 In order to conform with SSAP9 , companies must include a note in their accounts to the effect that : ’ Stocks are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value .
14 In order to conform with SSAP9 , most companies include a note in their annual accounts to the effect that : ’ The individual parcels of freehold land held for development are valued at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value .
15 Alternatively an even briefer statement is sometimes included , such as : ’ Stocks and land , including development costs and construction thereon , are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value . ’
16 Properties which are valued at under 40,000 will pay 67% of the average bill , and those valued at between 88,000 and 120,000 will pay 122% of the average bill , and so on .
17 This is the balance sheet in which both inventories and long-term assets are valued at current replacement cost .
18 Other precious metal stocks owned by the group , which are unhedged , are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value .
19 These are valued at the lower of cost , including attributable overheads , and net realisable value .
20 Gould 's unerring commercial nose proved right — today the suppressed parts of Birds of Australia are valued at roughly £40,00 .
21 Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost , including appropriate manufacturing overheads , and net realisable value .
22 Stocks of ingredient X are currently available for a whole year 's production of Abrasive , and are valued at their original cost .
23 We do have though the 2nd costliest midfield in the country ( stlg8.6m ) , behind guess who , who are valued at stlg10.8m .
24 Their purchase included the Fullerton Park training pitches which are valued at £1.5million but they are not included in this deal .
25 ‘ The raiders must have had a large vehicle to transport the cattle which are valued at more than £1,000 each , ’ the spokesman added .
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