Example sentences of "[be] emphasized that " in BNC.

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1 It should be emphasized that this level of explanation does not commit the functionalist to a belief in any non-physical substances or processes .
2 It has to be emphasized that , for those who support the Mobilizing Ideal , these authoritarian features of British governments ' attitudes and behaviour towards the media are not defects but virtues .
3 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
4 In case this formulation of ‘ taking without permission ’ sounds too close to an analogy with theft , it must be emphasized that the crucial element in sexual assault resides in the close interrelationship between the body and the personality .
5 It should be emphasized that not all the research findings were so gloomy and critical : the studies found much evidence of good decisions and good practice which were appreciated by parents .
6 It should be emphasized that the CMHTs frequently worked in partnership with other elements of the voluntary and social services sectors ( see Table 5 ) .
7 It should be emphasized that all these complications are exceedingly rare in the Western world today .
8 While crime overall has been increasing , it must be emphasized that both the reality and the fear of victimization are considerably greater in some areas than others .
9 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
10 It must be emphasized that the goal of transferability applies equally to the practical and the theoretical , to skills and to knowledge , to arts and to science , and it should be the overriding aim of school education .
11 It should therefore be emphasized that the first objective within the UGIX project is to improve access to existing GlS by converting the current function-orientation of the native system interface to a task-oriented interface usable by a spatially aware user ( see Fig. 7.2 for a taxonomy of interfaces for ARC/INFO at the time of writing in 1990 ) .
12 It should be emphasized that this policy initiative was part of much broader policy changes in the city , set in motion by a new Labour leadership elected in May 1980 .
13 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
14 However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
15 While the distribution of resources will inevitably continue to be uneven , it should be emphasized that awareness of , and use made of resources can be as important as funding or staff available .
16 On the other hand it must be emphasized that , while God is the answer to all doubt , theologically correct God-answers are not necessarily the answer .
17 It must be emphasized that there is nothing very special about thin glass fibres which is specifically due to their thinness as such .
18 It should be emphasized that the interpretation of users ' actions is to some extent context-driven .
19 Finally , it must be emphasized that social workers need confidence in handling research as evaluative studies will reveal disappointments as well as achievements .
20 However , it should be emphasized that even in the East End a large majority of the native host population were anti-fascist .
21 It should be emphasized that this rather high-flown detour from our primary thrust in this book has not been made in order to identify the nature of philosophy .
22 It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems .
23 It should be emphasized that they were not serious attempts to take her life but cries for help .
24 Need it be emphasized that this exposition claims to be no more than schematic ?
25 Again it should be emphasized that the incentives need not be based upon financial performance but might be linked to other proxies of effort ; productivity measures and the like .
26 It needs to be emphasized that Taking the Side of the Other differs from attitude-change , as conventionally conceived by social psychologists .
27 Having said that there is a partial loss of orientation in the Arabic version , it must be emphasized that the Arabic version does display a reasonable level of thematic continuity in its own right .
28 It should be emphasized that this has nothing to do with our normal perception of color ; quarks are far too small to be seen by visible light .
29 Despite the fact that Aethelburh was accompanied north when she married by Paulinus as her chaplain , and that Paulinus was subsequently consecrated bishop of York by Archbishop Justus in 625 or 626 ( HE 11 , 9 ) , Eadwine did not hasten to embrace the new faith and it needs to be emphasized that his eventual baptism was untypical among the Anglo-Saxons at this time .
30 Indeed , it should be emphasized that Picasso had been dissatisfied with the limitations imposed on pictorial volumes by a scientific or linear system of perspective for some time before he became aware of the fact that Cézanne 's painting suggested a new concept of form and space .
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