Example sentences of "[be] mistaken for " in BNC.

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1 Not to be mistaken for the previous car to wear that badge , which was rather short on driver appeal , the new 300 ZX represents a serious threat to Europe 's sports car makers .
2 In this sense the very high ‘ yes ’ votes he achieved in the four presidential elections since independence have been genuine , but should not be mistaken for support for specific policies , and still less for support for other leaders at either the local or national level .
3 Sit behind the wheel of the Calibra and it could easily be mistaken for a Cavalier GSi .
4 Poppy seeds sprinkled on bread as a flavouring have a disconcerting tendency to react chemically in the same way as the extract of the opium poppy , so that a worker could be mistaken for a heroin user because of what he ate for breakfast .
5 Toyota has so much cash that it could be mistaken for a mini-bank , not a carmaker .
6 The pragmatist might acknowledge this point but would offer the further thought that , under normal circumstances , it is unlikely that a flea 's stray garment could be mistaken for anything else , and that the flea. its garments and any other intimately associated paraphernalia would be more sensibly and helpfully handled as a single record .
7 That can often be mistaken for agility of mind .
8 To my mind , it begins so well that it could easily be mistaken for a translation of an eighth-century hermit 's verse , composed in a beehive hut by a contented holy man of Old Ireland .
9 They are among the easiest of fossil plants to recognize , for even flattened stems retain the characteristic jointing , and the feathery distal branches can not be mistaken for anything else .
10 The yellow powders from some manufacturers are acceptable but some degreasers are marketed as white powders and may be mistaken for food ingredients .
11 It will tend to lie doggo in the light and , because it is flat , it can easily be mistaken for a small mole on the shin .
12 Sometimes , if on the right side , the abdominal pain associated with LGV may be mistaken for acute appendicitis .
13 Not all threads indicate urethritis , as collections of mucus and the secretions of the various glands can all produce ‘ bits ’ in the urine which may be mistaken for evidence of inflammation or infection if there is no microscopic examination .
14 With the pick-up truck , if we learned to smoke roll-ups and wore denim jackets over our fleecy tops , we might be mistaken for locals .
15 The peril is that intentions will be mistaken for plans and thus not be in a sufficiently doable form .
16 A number were unfortunate enough to be mistaken for spies after ‘ failing to heed warning challenges ’ , and got shot at , although there was only one reported death : a James Waddell of Grangemouth , near Edinburgh , was shot through the hand and heart as he was examining flood damage in the course of his employment duties .
17 Presuppositions are the silent partners in thought , but their silence must not be mistaken for their absence .
18 If it is caught without the credentials which truth alone supplies , faith knows it will be mistaken for fantasy or for wish-fulfillment .
19 My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence , when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli — as in Pavlov 's dogs , which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung .
20 It has nothing to do with his looks — he is unlikely to be mistaken for a ‘ white shark ’ — but his misfortune .
21 5.5 shall not during or after the expiry or termination of this Agreement without the prior written consent of , use or adopt any name , trade name , trading style or commercial designation that includes or is similar to or may be mistaken for the whole or any part of any trade name , trade mark , trading style or commercial designation used by .
22 Hence their wariness of any human concepts about God which threatened to become a new idolatry that could be mistaken for the reality itself .
23 Again , such disorders can be mistaken for normal ageing , but can be readily rectified by eating liver , eggs and ‘ fatty ’ fish , although perhaps the best source is exposure to normal sunlight .
24 ‘ Well ’ Louise laughed , ‘ you certainly could n't be mistaken for anything other than Nora Simpson 's daughter , there 's no doubt about that , but to be fair , my sweet , you 've both had a lot to contend with .
25 Sometimes they will complete tasks more slowly , owing to a slower rate of informational input ( Mason and Tobin , 1986 ) , but this need not necessarily reflect a reduced level of comprehension , although it may be mistaken for this .
26 As Thomas Reid remarked , in a passage that could be mistaken for one by the twentieth-century Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin :
27 This makes it difficult to see how the judgement could be mistaken for a sensation .
28 It is also clear from Herbert 's comments that the process of interpreting is generally not well understood by even those who use interpreters , and features like the interpreting lag , or the change in pace of the interpreter according to the speaker 's rate , may often be mistaken for some problem in the interpreter 's rendition of a message .
29 It is worth getting to know and recognize the small black blob-like chrysalis that adheres to stems and leaf stalks because it can very easily be mistaken for caterpillar or similar droppings and knocked away .
30 This extract from McCormick 's book could easily be mistaken for the work of almost any of the ‘ attribute school ’ writers .
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