Example sentences of "[adj] to take responsibility " in BNC.

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1 She sees the person who successfully survives the hazards of the middle years becoming someone in their own right who is not afraid to take responsibility and to admit to ‘ what I really feel ’ .
2 Because they 're British , because their character is independent , because they do n't like to be shoved around , because they are prepared to take responsibility
3 Although the Macmillan cabinet pressed management to delay a settlement , ministers were not prepared to take responsibility for a breakdown in negotiations ; when the industry settled , the Prime Minister publicly rebuked management for capitulating to the unions and breaching the pay pause ( 1982 : 225–6 ) .
4 In modern terms , he evaluated who was to be evangelised and was willing to take responsibility to go to them in the work of evangelism .
5 Willing to take responsibility for the church to grow , and not wait for it to happen .
6 Are you willing to take responsibility for your life , to accept that we create our own reality ?
7 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
8 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
9 ‘ No saychel , ’ he would complain of those unwilling to take responsibility .
10 If they have overprotective parents , always worried and fearful , they may not develop the confidence they need , and become shy and timid , unable to take responsibility and always looking to others to take the lead .
11 Four paragraphs later where the second quotation appears , the child is not unable to take responsibility but is refusing to take it .
12 It was pointed out in Chapter 4 that most patients who take overdoses or injure themselves do not require psychiatric inpatient care because they are able to take responsibility for themselves or have sufficient support available .
13 The insecurity that the interviewer experiences may cause them to smile manically ; to talk too much , when he or she should be able to take responsibility for pauses ; to do a really hard sell on behalf of the company ; to over-react with approval to the interviewee , giving them , unfairly , the impression that they 've got the job .
14 Recent research has shown that well-informed mothers who have been able to take responsibility for decisions in pregnancy and labour feel happier after the event , even when their plans did n't work out as they had expected them to .
15 In fact , if anything goes wrong at Portslade Community College it 's my fault , and therefore I 'm not going to be in a position where I do n't feel able to take responsibility for any decision made .
16 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
17 If you are a shop assistant who frequently deputizes for the manager of a busy store you may need some prompting to realize that among your qualifications you ‘ are ready to take responsibility ’ , ‘ have a flexible approach to work ’ , and ‘ are used to dealing with the public ’ .
18 Now he 's a different player , has matured , become ready to take responsibility and his prize is a place in the international squad .
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