Example sentences of "[prep] essence a " in BNC.

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1 In essence a simple sword-and-sorcery entertainment , it carries enough sophistication to keep adults as entertained as children .
2 For it is in essence a political crisis without an economic crisis .
3 It is in essence a theological position which has already decided in advance that the Bible is the pure undistilled fountain of God 's clear revelation and that to doubt its veracity in just one particular is to bring the entire edifice to the ground .
4 Is that in essence a central datum of Catholicity ?
5 In essence a compost consists of bulky material which provides congenial conditions for roots to wander in search of water , oxygen and nutrients .
6 Called morote-gari , which means double hand reap , the throw is in essence a refined version of a rugby tackle .
7 Although David Thorpe was in essence a still-life photographer , I remember going on location in Germany to do a car campaign , and we also used to do many portraits — there was a tremendous variety in what we were doing . ’
8 The stratified approach to Urban Programme funding , with in essence a fourfold division of councils — Partnerships , Programme Authorities , Other Designated Districts and traditional Urban Programme councils — was effectively to be abandoned .
9 A living being is therefore in essence a potentially self-healing system .
10 It seems to be part of human nature , however , to seek to categorize things , and the various aspects of what is in essence a single , broad-based quest for further knowledge and understanding have not been spared .
11 Should the text be as described , I shall be unable to reconcile the Church 's utter opposition to the killing of the unborn child and euthanasia which are in essence a defence of human rights for those weakest and least-able-to-speak members of humankind .
12 This was in essence a large survey show of highlights from all areas of the Lille collection .
13 Claiming that Tyacke has paid too much attention to the academic debates of the university teachers and too little to the realities of parochial life , he asserted that throughout the period from 1529 to 1640 the English church was in essence a monarchical church whose leaders were primarily concerned to maintain stability by restricting controversy .
14 Erm And in essence a kind of congress is held at St Petersburg .
15 In essence a massive L-shaped tower with walls 12 feet thick , a well and a pit dungeon , it was adapted in the seventeenth century for more comfortable and less defensive living .
16 Rousseau 's conception of society , at least in Du Contrat Social , was the exact opposite of that of individualist writers like Hobbes and Bentham , for whom society was in essence a collection of discrete individuals , held together by laws and authority .
17 It is in essence a ‘ point of sale ’ operation located in various client areas .
18 In saying that the crisis of legitimacy is central , we are saying that the penal crisis is in essence a moral crisis .
19 Thus , although the rule is now expressed in terms of a prohibition directed towards investigating police officers , it is in essence a development of the law relating to the admissibility of confessions .
20 This is in essence a fairy-story , with all the brutality fairy-stories commonly have .
21 Miller 's excursions into architecture were in essence a facet of his active social life — which through his patron at Hagley ( George , first Baron Lyttelton , q.v. ) included contact with the interlocking family ‘ cousinage ’ of the Lytteltons , Pitts , and Grenvilles — and like other amateur architects he made use of the assistance of professionals .
22 We can define the unknown in broad terms — " What would increase our margins here ? " — and this is really defining a search area In essence a question tells us the answer with which we would be satisfied : if our thinking can get us to this point we can stop that line of thinking .
23 In a masterful , seminal study he suggested that the parish of Withington , which occupies a large area in the Cotswolds , was in essence a Roman estate centred on a villa and several contemporary settlements .
24 The tiara was in essence a white cap , having two bands at the back like a mitre , but it had incorporated in it a coronet round the lower rim to which was added a second coronet under Pope Boniface VIII at the end of the thirteenth century , symbolizing sacerdotal and regal powers .
25 The initial verb + noun phrase combination shows in essence a property word extended by an entity word , and it therefore remains a ( complex ) property ; the adjective then further extends this property ; but because it is an adjective rather than an adverb , its own property is understood as applicable to the entity identified by the noun phrase , with the important reservation , demanded by the intensional structure , that it will not be applied to it unconditionally but only insofar as that entity stands in relation to the verb which accompanies it .
26 It is well recognised that managing software is difficult because it is in essence a control problem , posing questions such as which particular versions of software items should be used at a particular stage of a project for a particular purpose , or what software should be issued to whom , and when .
27 Indeed , listing is in essence a collective preservation order .
28 It held what was in essence a master plan for murder , said Mr Stuart-Moore .
29 They suggest that in previous eras BBC Scotland got what was in essence a block grant from London in respect of costs of making programmes for Scotland .
30 For the Conservative party which is in essence a party of power , huge historic perspective , huge experience of power , ever to get itself in a position where it 's perceived to be struggling to the point of self destruction , would have its political consequences and they would be dire .
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