Example sentences of "[noun sg] reminds me " in BNC.

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1 on crime reminds me that Bob told me only he does n't , he does n't know how much Bridget knows , so we must n't say anything to her , but he said that there is some possibility that she may get erm , I think April time she may be made what 's called Court Officer
2 Your reply reminds me of my son paging through the brochure for George Washington University .
3 The idea of the vats of the mind reminds me of an occasion when I was walking on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania with some friends , who showed me an oak gall .
4 Such studies resound with heartfelt quotations : ‘ I like to hear the sound of voices in the house ’ ; ‘ The programme reminds me that I could be worse off than I am ’ ; ‘ It sometimes helps me to understand my own life ’ ( McQuail , 1972 ) .
5 The thought of caged chicken reminds me of the occasion — I was about seven at the time — when my father lost his rather large , pompous cockbird who dominated his twelve wives .
6 Your outlook reminds me of another saying : ‘ Where there 's muck , there 's brass . ’
7 And — funny — my tender breast of chicken filled with garlic butter and herbs sauteed in sunflower oil with savoury rice and side salad reminds me of the chicken Kiev we occasionally buy in the supermarket .
8 In a way the sound reminds me of a small-bodied Gibson from the '30s or '40s , but with more volume and a clearer bass end .
9 The sound reminds me of the bass sound on all those expensively-produced American AOR albums — smooth , almost too clean , but live there 's an enormous amount of wallop available . ’
10 Looking at that picture reminds me of the photos of me and Marie — you know , them we took in that photo booth .
11 The picture reminds me of what 's possible again , that 's all , not of what 's gone for ever . ’
12 Hosiery reminds me .
13 I had been aware , intellectually , that the background level of irradiation is really quite high ( as I write the clicking of a geiger counter left switched on in an adjacent room reminds me ) but it took the Phywe cloud chamber to make me realise that irradiation is not a separate thing but truly a part of life .
14 Visually , the body reminds me of a Schecter or Tom Anderson and if it was n't for Aria 's distinctive headstock you 'd be hard pushed to tell this was n't a £1500 guitar from a few feet away .
15 Actually that 's a that haircut reminds me of somebody that 's on the telly .
16 My prototype reminds me too much of a kingsize white plastic bucket , and I suspect that a combination of this summer 's largely ozone layer-free sun and a winter frost or two might render it brittle .
17 Apart from and me , there is , a rather lugubrious ( though pleasant ) Peruvian , and , the French Canadian , whole reminds me of , in that he expects everything to be done for him at little cost in exchange for a good wit and ready sense of humour — also like , he plays the piano , with a special line in French songs .
18 Seeing her smooth a dead mallard reminds me :
19 Wife reminds me ( in middle of torment about Jack and Kate ) that actually had holiday with Jack and Kate and their three children in rented midden near Colwyn Bay .
20 Some of the scenery between the city and the seaside reminds me of the industrial landscape around Mephistco Plant Number Three , but the light 's even duller .
21 The sound of gentle stillness reminds me of a field of ripening corn stirred by a gentle summer breeze , or the sound of waves on a sandy beach , some distance away .
22 These young persons ' attitude to the game reminds me of how the old game used to be — when there were no leagues and no cup competitions .
23 My colleague Mr who is closer to the ground reminds me that I think there was a small provision in the first half .
24 soc : Not entirely , but your ‘ one best method ’ argument reminds me of a very old debate in sociology about positivism …
25 In a way , his approach reminds me of Rob Armstrong 's , in that he views the guitar first and foremost as a sound-producer , rather than a beautiful piece of furniture which the maker hopes is going to sound good .
26 If so , that is an instructive and important addition to the Labour party 's nuclear policy and , as my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State reminds me , is a fourth arm in such a policy .
27 This dress reminds me of my first long dress .
28 That poem reminds me that I did my best , did my duty if you like . ’
29 Mentioning the white chromosome reminds me of another thing I wanted to say , because erm another variant of this incorrect criticism that people made of Darwin about blending , and you still hear this today , and people should know better , especially the social sciences , is , oh , single genes can not influence behaviour .
30 This latter award reminds me of a key feature of being the best and that is teamwork .
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