Example sentences of "[noun sg] separated from " in BNC.

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1 Asger Jorn 's interest in folk cultures and tribal societies which lacked a notion of ‘ art ’ as a distinct intellectual practice separated from the common culture , was based on an understanding of the extent to which the spheres of art and work have become conflicting practices within bourgeois relations of production .
2 At the end of 1864 the legal system was reformed and the judiciary separated from the administrative bureaucracy , as reformers had long urged .
3 With the ribber carriage separated from the main carriage ( without yarn ) take it slowly across these needles and you will note that ALTERNATE needles come higher than the others .
4 Whereas silver separated from natural alloys is liable to contain perceptible traces of other metals , that obtained by the cupellation process shows up by its high degree of purity .
5 If any Mercurian core separated from the mantle then it is likely that mantle temperatures became high enough for differentiation within the mantle to occur , the less dense substances moving upwards to form a crust .
6 Again , immaculately-jointed soft curly maple wings form the body , but this time there 's a zebra wood top on both body and headstock , the zebra wood separated from the base layer by a laminate of black anigree .
7 However , this impulse to abolish distinctions of holiness within a universal community of creation was deeply contradicted by an opposite influence on Christianity from gnosticism which viewed the whole material creation , and especially sexuality , as a realm of fallenness separated from God .
8 She was transferred from Mostar Belgrade , dumped in a childrens ' home separated from her family for four months , then shelled while escaping to safety in Croatia .
9 She was transferred from Mostar Belgrade , dumped in a childrens ' home separated from her family for four months , then shelled while escaping to safety in Croatia .
10 If she is ever going to learn to stand on her own feet finally , when her grieving is over , she will need your acceptance , for the time being , that what she is experiencing now is something like the intense suffering of a child separated from the security of its mother 's presence , with all the feelings of fear and panic that brings .
11 Thornaby is a real community separated from the community of Stockton by a river which also forms a real geographical county boundary .
12 Hampstead was transformed from a small , eighteenth-century satellite town separated from the metropolis by steeply-sloping open fields into a high-class residential suburb very different from Camberwell .
13 It was a moment separated from the normal flow of time .
14 Gimmer Crag forms a head separated from the steep hillside by these two obvious gullies , which both start at the same point .
15 The cab separated from the trailer which turned over on its side , sliding down the slope .
16 This basilica , overlooking the river Esla , is 70 feet long and has a five bay nave separated from the aisles by marble columns with mixed capitals — Roman , Visigothic and tenth century Mozarabic ( these last-named are palm leaf designs as in the Cordovan Mosque ) .
17 He and a friend separated from the others and began to move towards the car .
18 After incubation , tubes were centrifuged at 1000 g and the supernatant separated from the pellet .
19 This suggestion is supported by the scene on the rest of this large vessel separated from the acrobat by columns decorated with trails of coloured slip .
20 Usually there is a narrow reef flat separated from the lagoon floor by a steeper slope .
21 A baby separated from its mother also uses infrasound , and when suckling it emits infrasonic versions of a human baby 's gurgles .
22 Wirral is a predominantly white community of about 340,000 people fairly tightly packed onto a peninsula separated from Wales by the River Dee and , as we have said , from Liverpool by the River Mersey .
23 His corpse was boiled , the flesh separated from the bones , stuffed with spices and sealed in a lead coffin and taken to Jedburgh Abbey to be amongst his ancestors . ’
24 This consisted of cutting up the body into pieces and boiling it in wine or vinegar until fat and flesh separated from the bones .
25 The new church on Turnham Green was named Christ Church and was consecrated in 1853 , with a parish separated from the old Chiswick parish of St. Nicholas .
26 The Portuguese verb janelar ( ‘ to window ’ ) precisely reflects this condition of the woman separated from social life , which she knew only from her window .
27 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
28 The sea bed between Dover and Sangatte consists of a largely uninterrupted thick layer of chalk separated from the underlying cretaceous chalk by a layer of Gault clay .
29 But his stillness separated from the death
30 Although the shifted maser could also produce emission at a frequency separated from the main features by twice the plasma frequency , no significant emission stronger than 51mJy ( 3 ) is found at .
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