Example sentences of "[noun sg] manifests [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
2 The ‘ resentment ’ at being denied possible access to positions of respect and maybe responsibility manifests itself in a number of ways , not least in the social posture of black youth in the UK .
3 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
4 For managers , the issue manifests itself at a more procedural level , and is now revolving around resource management .
5 It 's here that the drawback of mass manufacture manifests itself : the SB 3-series is built in Korea , to minimise costs , and the erratic fit of the neck bolts and collars shows this , as does the large gap between the lower neck/body join .
6 One way in which this elegance manifests itself is in the large number of algebraic laws which exist between occam programs .
7 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
8 Egocentrism manifests itself in communicative terms as an inability to take account of another 's point of view ; instead , the world is seen rigidly from the standpoint of the self .
9 Quite often , there 's a moment of truth — the realisation that there 's no way you can actually make all the minimum payments on your credit cards Then , the secret is to seek out the reason for your burning desire to go barmy in Benetton , or wherever your compulsion manifests itself .
10 This distinction manifests itself in the fact that the " see that " paraphrase fits the second sentence very well but is very awkward for the first .
11 The methodological criterion on which our own study must be based is the following ; that the supremacy of a social group manifests itself in two ways , as ‘ domination ’ and as ‘ intellectual and moral leadership ’ .
12 The two rocks are different in chemical composition , and this difference manifests itself in a number of intriguing ways ; ways which a fair part of this book will be devoted to exploring .
13 This pattern manifests itself even more clearly in the detail of courses .
14 First , when we examine a very wide range of psychotic traits in normal people , using questionnaires that contain different kinds of item , we find that they tend to group into clusters closely corresponding to the different ways in which clinical psychosis manifests itself : in emotion , in perception and thinking , and in socially deviant behaviour .
15 Stance manifests itself in the adoption of certain approaches , methods or techniques : the experimental method of the scientist , the survey method of the sociologist , the close reading of the student of literature .
16 In all but the smallest operations planning manifests itself as work schedules , by whatever name , be it cleaning rotas , cleaning schedules or similar .
17 This variation in form manifests itself in different ways , depending on the language .
18 This moving image manifests itself in the motions of the heavenly bodies .
19 This conflictive relationship between popular culture and official culture manifests itself in Augusto Roa Bastos 's Son of Man , in the life-sized figure of Christ carved by a leper , which , despite the disapproval of the ecclesiastical authorities , is venerated by the townsfolk of Itapé in preference to the stylized crucifix in the local church .
20 There I saw men kissing and holding and loving each other ; something that I never thought possible as the mainstream culture manifests itself in overwhelmingly heterosexual and macho terms .
21 For it is an essential part of the pattern that the complete goddess manifests herself in two antithetical ways — as the Venus of sexual love and the Diana of virginity .
22 On the microscopic level , this problem manifests itself in abstractionism .
23 For turbulence the problem manifests itself as follows : when one formulates an equation for the double correlation function it involves triple correlations , an equation for these involves fourth-order ones ; and so on .
24 Claris 's state of unreadiness manifests itself when it comes to the selection of features .
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