Example sentences of "[noun sg] to give evidence " in BNC.

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1 Fontaine had made known his intention to give evidence to the new National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation , which had been set up by the government on April 25 to investigate human right violations under the Pinochet regime .
2 Thereunder in the county court , Ord 20 , r 15 enables notice to be given of intention to give evidence at the trial pursuant to s 2 of the Act whensoever , for reasons to be given in the notice , a witness can not be called : see Ord 20 , rr 14 – 24 and notes thereunder in The County Court Practice .
3 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
4 Thus , the best way of proving anything that the other side will not agree to is to be prepared to call the witness to give evidence about it at trial .
5 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
6 The only witness to give evidence at today 's inquest at Cheltenham County Court was 23 year old , Jason Rigglesford from Stroud .
7 He plans to provide an expert witness to give evidence at the public inquiry into the controversial plan for pylons from the power station at Wilton , and he has also raised the matter of the Skelton and Brotton link road in the European Parliament .
8 This is very different from the Common Law procedure , which will never compel , or even allow ( at that time ) , one of the parties to an action to give evidence ; but it is a procedure , and the only procedure , which is suitable for trying such questions as uses and trusts , for which no open public acts , no formal documents may be available as evidence .
9 His illness had advanced so rapidly that he was unable to move outside his Beith home to give evidence .
10 There were other cases of deaths in the streets which could not be cleared up , except as ‘ accidents ’ , and reluctance to give evidence must be counted as an important aspect of popular hostility towards the law .
11 What does the Minister say to my constituents who , following abuse by their father for many years , summoned up enough courage to give evidence in court after he attacked the 10-year-old granddaughter of the family ?
12 The second question which arises for determination is whether the proceeding before the justice or justices , if there happens to be more than one justice before whom the person arrested is brought under section 7(5) , necessitates the giving of evidence on oath with the opportunity to the person arrested or his legal representative to cross-examine and the person arrested having the opportunity to give evidence himself , before the justice of the peace may properly form an opinion on the matters set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) .
13 This may mean calling the photographer to give evidence that the prints were produced from untouched negatives ( R v Maqsud Ali ( 1966 ) 1 QB 688 ) .
14 In Mr. Pannick 's submission , section 9(4) of the Act of 1975 was intended to do no more than protect ‘ the Crown ’ from being required by a court to give evidence in proceedings in a foreign court by stipulating that none of its officers or servants can be so required .
15 The next morning he presented himself in court to give evidence , and a character reference , on McLaren 's behalf .
16 The vulnerable persons whom it is the aim of the section to protect are precisely those least likely to be prepared to attend court to give evidence , if only for fear of later reprisals .
17 The plaintiff must then put in the notes of evidence from the magistrates ' court ( or the Crown Court ) with a r21 notice and apply for directions under r28 in order to force the defendant to call all the witnesses from the magistrates ' court to give evidence in the civil trial .
18 A third man , Mark Seaton , who survived the fall was at Bristol Crown Court to give evidence .
19 Just an hour later he was back in the same court to give evidence against three men accused of trying to murder him .
20 The Arbitrators may call any relevant person to give evidence , or may ask for further written evidence .
21 It must not be forgotten that the first person to give evidence about the injuries is going to be the plaintiff .
22 The witnesses did not get a chance to give evidence against the killer in court .
23 I would expect someone who claimed to believe in ghosts to give some evidence for their existence , and it is reasonable to expect the theist to give evidence for God 's existence .
24 If necessary the prosecution might call a vehicle examiner to give evidence where there is some technical failure of the handbrake such as a worn ratchet causing the brake lever to slip or a frayed cable which snapped under pressure .
25 Where an analyst 's findings are challenged by the defence the prosecution could call the analyst to give evidence to explain , his findings to the court .
26 ‘ I doubt if His Grace would ever stand up in a court-room to give evidence on my behalf , but I counted on Magistrate Peck being afraid to put it to the test . ’
27 When Mr George was said he did n't want to give evidence , the judge , Mr Justice Auld , said he had a duty to give evidence … he should sit down and prepare for it .
28 On the third day of the hearings Derek Davis , the most senior CEGB executive to give evidence , spelled it out .
29 So construed , section 9(4) would have some effect , because it would prevent a court from ordering a Crown officer or servant to give evidence of the executive branch 's current attitudes or policies , but it would be of very limited scope .
30 Held , allowing the appeal , that , although a judge had the power to call a witness where justice and fairness required that witness to give evidence , a judge could neither refuse to permit the prosecution to discontinue its case nor direct whether the trial should continue until the close of the prosecution 's case ; and that , accordingly , the judge had erred in directing the prosecution to continue and in calling the police officer to give evidence for the prosecution ( post , p. 536B , C–G ) .
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