Example sentences of "[noun sg] found herself " in BNC.

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1 Honor found herself pressed to take the only available chair , grateful for the cool liquid which quenched her thirst and gave her time to regain at least some of her self-possession .
2 When the list reached Buckingham Palace the Queen found herself almost as impotent as George V fifty years earlier .
3 No wonder the poor girl found herself tearing away her clothes with frenzied fingers as she felt them pullulating beneath her chemise ; this was no time to worry about modesty .
4 Mr Spencer told the jury : ‘ For a period of two years , from about the age of 13 onwards , the girl found herself the target of sexual and physical abuse from her stepfather .
5 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
6 The Princess found herself pigeon holed for a long time as a result of those early associations , but they were nevertheless a useful apprenticeship .
7 The Princess found herself having to explain that she was not ‘ domineering ’ , but ‘ a perfectionist with myself , but not with everybody else ’ , and that she was Princess Anne 's ‘ biggest fan .
8 ‘ How do you do ? ’ murmured three polite voices , and Breeze found herself shaking two podgy paws .
9 Once she got away from lingerie interest flagged and Rain found herself puzzling over something which had been said before the speeches began .
10 One Keighley mill warper 's wife found herself with four to care for ; and even one could stir up great resentment .
11 A young Scots miner 's wife found herself saddled with a great-uncle :
12 For all that , and two years after she first conceived , Lindsay Fort found herself pregnant again .
13 Ace found herself looking up at the sky .
14 Ace found herself suddenly sitting on his lap .
15 But , before she could sort out just what her feelings were at this blatant example of male collusion , Folly found herself being steered towards the revolving doors to the street .
16 ’ He sounded quite excited and Folly found herself smiling at the way his dramatic gesture was bringing out the little boy in someone as sophisticated as Luke .
17 So when he turned to her casually in the car , and suggested that they call in at his house for some tea before they parted , Folly found herself leaping on the suggestion with almost indecent haste .
18 Lisa 's frankness was quite beguiling , and , despite the fact that her world was tumbling down about her , Folly found herself liking her assistant more and more .
19 But as the door swung open Folly found herself wishing that it had stayed firmly shut .
20 Folly found herself reading the labels on boxes stacked around her .
21 Folly found herself smiling .
22 Despite herself , Folly found herself wondering if Luke 's tale could be true , and the oversights made with deliberate spite .
23 Almost without knowing how she had got there , Folly found herself on the other side of the double doors , pushing through a curtain of leaves that shrouded the entrance .
24 Although there was no direct reference to the Rose Bowl , Folly found herself part of a group discussing the hypothetical marketing problems of a small floristry business .
25 Folly found herself almost smiling .
26 Folly found herself curiously reluctant to look up , as if by meeting his eye she might give him back the power he held over her .
27 As the day of the wedding drew closer , the young Campbell lass found herself caught up in the arrangements .
28 But no judge was unsympathetic to the dilemma in which a natural mother found herself .
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